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At the airport..

Yn's Pov

I would loose so much weight if i ever ran this much fast ever in my life.. All thanks to my sleeping skills.. Even though i planned on waking up early today, i just overslept and then i just didnt find the right outfit.. Gosh..
How embarrassing when ur younger sibling itself rants you for being late.. Dammit am i confusing u right now.. Lemme tell you..

The thing is.. my brother is coming back after 3 years from Korea and mom had told me to pick him up from airport and i sweared to wake up early but i dreamt about the god hyunjin and forgot to wake up early and overslept.. I was woken up by my sister shaking me to death trying to wake me up and then i took a long shower and wasnt able to find the right outfit... Thats how i got here... Late and running a marathon with my sister..

I drove like a maniac before getting here... oh my holy jello.. idk how i will be able to find my brother in this thick crowd..


I jumped on my brother's back as soon as i spotted him and my sister came behind me and hugged him as well..

"You both..get off me.. ur choking meh... and u heavy koala.. get off me or i might get a cramp" Aditya

"YAH YOU-..You have come just now and i am in a happy mood so i am letting this one pass.. or you'dbe dead by now.. anyways.. where are ur bags.. Let's just go home and do some catching up.." Yn

"Yeah and dont forget to tell us about your girlfriend on our way back home.. mom didnt even serve us food in the morning since she was too desperate to see you" Trisha

"G-girlfriend?!" Aditya

"Yes bish" Yn

"We heard a girl's voice in your dorm the other day when we did a facetime and she called someone babe which was without a doubt you only.. now lets just head back to car.. i am getting sick of these crowd" Trisha

"We got such a big brain right.." Yn

Me and trisha fist bumped each other and picked up aditya's bags and moved towards our car while he followed us dumbfounded.. gosh his face is so hilarious.

Time skip
At yn's house

Just as we entered the house.. mom jumped on my brother and pulled him in a tight hug while me and trisha plopped on the couch beside our dad while he just chuckled..

"What" Yn

"You guys are just.. see your mom.. she hasnt been this happy that she is jumping around like a kid since ages.. " Yn's dad

"I know right.. she didnt even serve us food.. see how she is feeding him laddoos.." Trisha

" *sigh* imma just go and get myself some food.. mom doesnt seem to be noticing that we are starving to death" Yn

"Get me some too.." Trisha

I glared at her and stormed towards the kitchen and got the food and arranged the plates for myself and trisha to eat.. i called her and told her to eat and we ate in silence listening to the happy squeals of our mom and our brother and father talking..

I am so done...


I got work loaded up on my head from school.. I wont give up and make time for writing ;-;

heh <3

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