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The day before engagement. At the arcade.


Today me, trisha, taehyung, jungwoo, mina and jungkook decided to come here at the city center and play some games at the arcade as we were bored at the hotel. We first decided to play basket ball and we needed to play in pairs so we divided into pairs like:
1. (YN and taehyung)
2. (Trisha and jungkook)
3. (Mina and jungwoo)

Then we started to play in our areas. It was decided that the team which looses the most in the games we play today will pay for our dinner at the restraunt.

"We need to play the best. Okay?" I said to taehyung.

"Got it my lady. Fighting!" Taehyung replied.


With that, we started to play games. Turns out, taehyung was inpressive and made our scores the highest which made us win at the end. Then next we decided to play shooting games and obbies. It was a tough competition.

"GET ASIDEEE U PIECE OF STRAWBERRY" jungkook screamed as he bumped his car into taehyung's. Yes, we were now playing bumpy cars.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PIECE OF STRAWBERRY YOU ROTTEN BANANA MILK" taehyung screamed as he bumped his car into jungkook's from behind.

"Rotten wha- HOW DARE U BITCH" jungkook said as he chased around taehyung's car.

"Look at them. A bunch of immature kids" jungwoo said as he stood outside the rink drinking his ice tea.

Me trisha jungwoo and mina were standing outside the rink as we were already tired. We all were watching taehyung and jungkook create a chaos as other kids and toddlers stood there dumbfounded. Me and trisha were laughing our ass out while jungwoo and mina looked like an unimpressed old couple.

"Oh come on" jungwoo said as he saw taehyung chasing jungkook around throwing curses at him.

"Go get them you small brats. They are literally acting like kids and they are embarrassing us. Even the toddlers are dumbfounded." Jungwoo said to me and trisha as he stared at jungkook and taehyung who had gotten out of their cars and now were running after each other.

Me and trisha facepalmed ourselves and went to stop them. I held taehyung from behind while trisha held jungkook. Jungkook and taehyung both looked at us and then at each other, finally we stopped these chaotic brats.

"Thats enough for today. What are guys even fighting about huh? Rotten banana milk and strawberries?! Come on" i said.

"Lets just go and eat something. I am tired" trisha said as she held onto the rabbit beside her.

We all went to eat and decided to split the bill as we all lost the same no. of times. Then we headed to our hotel then back to our rooms.

Just as me and trisha entered our room, i turned to trisha with a smug look.

"You like like jungkook dont u ^-^" i said to trisha with wiggling eyebrows as she cringed at me.

"Ofc...not. He is just my friend" trisha said.

"Nvm. U both will end up falling for each other. Trust me heh" I said as i flipped my hair.

"Like u and taehyung" trisha said turning the tables on me.

"You small fish" i said nervously yet dominatingly.

"Awww, my sissy has a crush~~" Trisha said teasingly as i took my towel and stormed to the bathroom while i could still hear trisha's laugh.

This brat.

Hi, back after so long. Sorry, i had some personal things going on so i couldnt post.

I will keep this chapter a lil short. Next chapter will be longer. Pinky promise ;-;

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