27 2 0

Music: Blood, Sweat & Tears (Piano Version)

After reaching Goa, outside the airport.


Right now we are waiting for our cab to arrive. We all are tired from our journey and love to take a rest.

"I heard your friends are coming too" I asked turning towards taehyung who had his arm around my neck.

"Hmm" Taehyung

"How many of them? And is anyone else coming too?" I asked still curious.

"There are six of my friends, i will introduce you once you meet them. And yoonji noona is coming, she my aera's best friend" My eyes widened.

"What" He asked giving a questioning look.

"SIX OF THEM?!" Everyone looked at me as i bowed a lil.

"I mean.. six of them?! I barely have one friend how the heck you have six. I should have paid some attention to making friends during my school days too" i said as my mood dropped.

"They arent from school or college, rather we have age gaps. One of them is my cousins and one is my best friend since childhood. Rest are my employees and i met them during my training days." He said looking to the open road ahead us as our cab stops infront of us.

"Your ride is here princess, lets go?" He said as i nodded.

How tf did he manage to make six friends. Nvm, i should just focus on this one friend i have.

The cab dropped us to our hotel as we went to check-in in our rooms. Due to limited rooms, I was sharing rooms with Trisha. I cursed under my breath as she gave me a teasing look, its not like i dont want a roomate but..trisha as my roomate, she blasts music at night and takes hours to bath and get ready. Its gonna be difficult for me.. ;-;

I huffed as i entered to my room with my two heavy bags while trisha entered behind me carrying hers. I sighed in relief noticing two seperate beds before my eyes.

"Good thing we atleast have seperate beds or i would have kicked your butt trying to get near me" i glared at trisha as she said that.

"I should be taking the honor of saying that. Your the one who rotates like a clock in your sleep" i said rolling my eyes.

"Nevermind.. Jungwoo told me that his girlfriend Mina will also be coming. His parents dont know she is his girlfriend, though they think she is just his friend. Aera bhabhi's best friend will come and taehyung's friends will come as far as i know" Trisha said unpacking her stuff.

"I knew about taehyung and aera but jungwoo? I just cane to know he has a girlfriend. Taehyung didnt tell me" I said as i kept my things in my cupboard.

"Maybe he didnt knew or didnt remebered at that time. Dont mind it, now that you know" She said as she sat on her bed taking out her skincare supplies.

"Maybe, well-" i got cut off by Trisha's phone ringing as she picked it up.

"Who was it?" I asked after she finished her call.

"It was mom, she was telling to order the dinner from the room service as everyone is tired from the flight so we cant go to some restraunt. She also told that we have to get ready before 10am tomorrow morning as we will be going to a beachside restraunt for breakfast." I nodded as she explained.

"Okay well, i am going outside to have a walk by the beach. You coming?" I asked her as i put on my trousers and a denim jacket.

"Nah, i will take a bath and then watch a movie. You go" She said picking up her towel.

"Okay well, do you need something? I will get it as i am going outside only" I asked.

"Get me some chocolates" Trisha

"Okay i am going. Lock the door" I said as headed out while trisha locked the door.

I went down the elevator to the ground floor and went outside. Our hotel is near the beach so i didnt had to walk much. I went there and saw some couples sitting there enjoying the sunset view and some having a walk. I went and sat there to enjoy the peaceful sunset when somebody sat beside me. I turned and saw---

Taehyung? Again?

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