MMS 15

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Marrying Mr. Scrooge

"Make It Right"


EVEN though the presentations were going fast, Allen's mind was somewhere else and could not settle into his seat especially when he overheard what Cilla had told Maine as she bring in the refreshments.

"We could not find Deon, and Mr. Arroyo is on his way." Cilla whispered. That's what he heard and he is going to find and get both men himself.

"Calm down, Glenn!" His mother scolded him quietly, pulled him back to his seat. "You need to pay attention to all this since you will be coming back or maybe staying here till the chosen fundraiser is done." Julia smiled at him but showed refrained anger. He took a deep breath and settled into his seat. He doesn't know for how long this will last but he will try to pay attention.

Third group finished with their presentation and he did not understand what they said because his mind kept on wandering off where Leila could be at the moment. All he could get from it was a bake sale, that's it.

Fourth group of presenters came to the front. He didn't even realize that they started with the presentation. Whatever he heard from Cilla was replaying in his mind like it's on auto replay.

He was annoyed and did not like the fact that Mr. Arroyo is barely on his way and Deon is nowhere to be found. He's been anxious for a while now but this situation, it adds more to his anxiety. He felt worse when he was put in a place where everyone's nightmares started.

He looked around the conference room. He saw everyone was quietly listening to the presenters. There's Kakai sitting adjacent to Maine who sits at the end of the long table facing directly at the presenters and the big projection screen. Next to Kakai is the finance officer, Mr. Ford, who used to be the finance manager in the LA office, then Mrs. Hansen, the best facility's incident director, so he heard.

Next to the incident director is the fresh out of tech school and retired young policeman who got injured in the line of duty, Victor Allano, head of security. Via Abad, the long time employee of Malinog Group of Companies, and three more seats for presenters; two sitting down and two standing facing everyone.

On his side of the table is an empty chair, where one of the presenters sits, then there's Dan, the tech guy, whom he just met but became somewhat close to. Dan is needed there for all technical needs of the presenters. Then his Mom, him and then Noreen, who was sitting quietly behind him. Like everyone else, intently listening to the presenters.

"Excuse me." He interrupted. "Are all these presentations recorded?" He voiced out, not directly asking anyone in particular.

"Yes, sir." Dan replied quickly. "We have to. It's the facility's protocol, so is everything in and out of the facility.." He added, then Allen stood up. He nodded as he gathered his coat ready to leave.

"Where are you going, young man?" He heard his mother's stern but soft voice, asking.

" I can watch this later, Mom. I need to be somewhere." He said politely but sternly. His mother glared at him which made him swallow the imaginary lump in his throat.

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