Chapter Two: Under the Moonlight

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What is he doing here so late at night? I was entranced just by the sight of him. The bright stars and moon illuminated brightly from behind as if he was a prince of the night that had come to take away my inner sorrows and turmoils that have been running through my head since returning. Gone was the Ominis I last spoke to in the courtyard, in his stead was a man who had filled into his figure, with a most defined jaw, and his eyes.... there was something different about them too. They weren't as intense as before they were now gentler? I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'm sorry I came so late to see you. I just had to confirm that what I was being told was true..." Ominis trailed off.
"It's true Ominis, it's me," I said with a smile playing on my lips as he reflected mine with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. I stepped out of my doorway and wrapped a shawl around my arms as I walked past him.
"Why are you back?" he asked worriedly as he trailed behind me as I made my way to a bench that was near the front of the cottage, which was just under an oak tree. I took a seat and motioned for Ominis to do the same. He slowly sat down next to me keeping a bit of distance between us. I turned my body till' I faced him and began explaining the reason why I returned. I told him of the temporary job I was offered as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor. Explaining how Professor Weasley, through Deek, had sought me out where I was stationed in North America, following a lead that the last of Ranrocks loyalists were in hiding.

Ominis silently began chuckling under his breath as I finished my story. "Is something funny Gaunt?" I said sarcastically towards him with my right eyebrow slightly raised.
"You know, I always wondered why when I sent you letters, I never received a response back. It turned out this whole time, you were in a place where the letters couldn't reach you," he said with a ... relieved sigh? I couldn't exactly tell as I smiled at him "Ominis! I never knew you were sending me letters! I would have replied immediately, especially to my dear friend."


How could I tell him? That I received every letter he sent, opened them, and reread them countless times ... but I could never bring myself to respond back to him.

Responding back would then ... turn into longing ... and I couldn't.

I wouldn't.
I promised myself that I wouldn't let my shields down and grow attached again.
I can't harm anyone else anymore, just as I had harmed Professor Fig and Sebastian.
I wouldn't do it, not to Ominis...

I was brought back from my thoughts when I silently shivered as a cold breeze of the night glided across my back. That's when I realized... the situation I had mistakenly put myself in. I was with a man, visiting me in the middle of the night, with a nightgown just inches away from Ominis. I felt my face heat up at the realization and thanked Merlin that he couldn't see it. Once my face had returned to its normal shade, I turned my head toward my companion when I silently gasped in awe.

Ominis hair... was almost completely white when it was under the moonlight.

"I know it's been an incredible amount of time since we have been in each other's company, though... what are you staring so hard at?" Ominis teased feeling my gaze on him.
"O-oh," I stuttered trying to find the right words to say "It's...its nothing. I'm just glad to see a familiar face since coming back," I said solemnly.
"The sentiment is mutual, it's been agonizing not being able to hear your voice for so long," Ominis whispered softly as he turned the rest of his body towards me. I was stunned and silent as his words made my heart ache in wanting.

I slowly tilted my head down as I felt the familiar embarrassment burn my cheeks once more. I focused my eyes anywhere but his alluring face when I slowly noticed just how close the distance between us suddenly became. My eyes fluttered to our hands where our littlest fingers were barely a millimeter away from touching.
I slowly tilted my head up and was met with Ominis soft hazy blue eyes, while his face ...was so close to mine. He leaned in closer until there was but a breath of space between us. I felt his shallow uneven breaths on my lips as I unconsciously leaned even closer in an attempt to fill the gap between us.


Ominis jumped startled as I let out a small yelp. I shot up looking around the area to see what had made that sound when I see a small ball of fur run in the opposite direction.
"What was that sound?"
"It was a puffskein," I replied clearing my throat while dusting off my nightgown, thankful for the hairy blue ball interrupting the scene that could have occurred.

I need to leave. Now.

I rewrapped the shawl around me as I turned to Ominis "It's getting late, I have my first class tomorrow. I believe it's best if we depart ways with one another for tonight," I said apologetically.
"You're right," Ominis slowly stood up from the bench, "there'll be ample of opportunities to catch up with one another," he replied understandingly.
"Yes! You still need to tell me everything that you have done since the last we saw each other! I am especially curious what this Gaunt has done so far," I said emphasizing the Gaunt in a teasing matter, knowing that he despised his family name.
"Alright, that's quite enough," Ominis rolled his eyes in fake annoyance, as he strolled over to me and began walking back to the house. I laughed at his attempt of trying to act serious as I walked through my doorway and turned to close the door.

"Wait!" Ominis exclaimed

Before I had a chance to react, he pulled me into a tight hug. "There's nothing wrong with old friends hugging each other," he whispered softly, almost sensually into my ear. I fought off the shiver that threaten to go down my spine as his hot breath tickled my ear.
"No, there isn't," I replied softly as I hugged him back, maybe a few seconds longer than I should have.

This is fine, he is my friend, we haven't seen one another in so long.

Ominis then finally slowly unwrapped his warm arms that were tight around my waist.
"Goodnight, Y/N."

I shut the door softly behind him as he walked out, and put my ear against it just to make sure he had walked off the porch. Before I hitched up the skirt of my sleepwear and ran up the stairs to my room. I approached the window and peeked out, only to see the bright red light blinking from his wand to guide him back home.

I walked over to my bed and collapsed on my back, as I grasped at my chest sighing.

I must keep my distance, I just... I can't lose him too.

That night as I drifted off to sleep, it was the first time in years I dreamed of my family, of Professor Fig, and of Sebastian.

I woke up that morning with tears running down my face.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Where stories live. Discover now