Chapter 8: Through Different Mediums

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Ominis POV:

When Sebastian first introduced you, I did not think that this friendship between us would last.

At that time, you were just another one of Sebastian's acquaintances, and he seemed to have a sizeable abundance. When he needed assistance in completing an assignment or solely to jest over previous quidditch matches that took place a few nights prior he always had someone to conversate to. 

In such common cases, I would silently introduce myself as I normally do and be done with it. They were no more than a distant memory from that moment after we had spoken. I had enjoyed it that way, and never wanted to change it. Then you came more relevant to us... to me. 

I didn't really come to take notice of you until slightly halfway into our 5th year, that I truly became accustomed to having you nearby. From the Scriptorium to the catacombs, to finding my aunt who had passed on in a truly terrible fate continued to reside by my side. That's when I knew that I had made a friend, one that wouldn't disappear between the cracks as the others...but would stay.

When Sebastian left at the end of our 5th year, I truly believed that I had become alone in this world. The only person that allowed me to stay at Hogwarts as an escape from my family and my only friend... was gone.


That wasn't true.

I wasn't alone.

Because you were there.


You had slowly begun illuminating my world, and I didn't even realize it.

Well... not then really.

Throughout our 6th and 7th years at Hogwarts, we became very well acquainted with each other.

 You cried with me over the loss of a friend who wasn't truly dead, you laughed with me over the ridiculous notions that our peers murmured about us as we strolled through the hallways to our common room, and we held each other's hands when the nights had become strenuous with the nightmares of the catacombs and the battle underneath Hogwarts became too much for us to endure alone.

This became our routine for the last two years... until the night before graduation was to take place. You had come to me stating that you were planning to leave to become an Auror once graduation ended.

An Auror.

We had argued that night, as I stood there pleading you not to go.

That it was dangerous, that there was no stability in that work, that it wasn't what Professor Fig would have wanted for you.

Though your mind was set.

You always were set in your ideas, not even the thought of facing Ranrok's loyalists once again deterred you once you made up your mind.

I had always admired that about you...yet... I despised it too.

Once graduation had finished, I ran to find you. I searched all over the school grounds and even to the undercroft to see if you were there... waiting for me, just sitting on the boxes in your graduation gown looking ethereal just to tell me that you changed your mind.

That you wanted to stay... with me.

I couldn't find you that day... or 4 years after that.

You were gone. 

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