Chapter Four: Gateway to the Soul

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" What are you doing here Ominis?" I asked, wondering if he could sense that I was feeling down and just apparated right next to me. Later I found out, it wasn't because of that he always appeared next to me when I needed him... he needed me.

" I work here," Ominis smiled at me amusingly.

"You what?!" I stared at him stunned as he continued to give me a lopsided grin "As what? You can't be a groundskeeper, you need your vision for that Ominis," I sarcastically said in a joking manner as I collected myself from the sudden shock.

" Okay, enough with the ridiculous jokes," Ominis scowled in my direction, not really finding my dry humor too amusing.

"No, but in all seriousness Ominis, what are you doing here?"

"In all seriousness Y/N, I do work here and just like you, I'm a professor..." he trailed off as I stared at him once again, in shock.

"Please, stop staring at me like that..." Ominis sighed heaving his shoulders forward. It always surprised me when he would make a comment over me gazing at him. Though it never stopped me as my eyes continued to roam his face, staring at each individual mole that trailed down his face onto his neck and Merlin knows how many could be found underneath his clothes—

I almost fell out of my chair, surprised by the sinful images that threaten to trickle into my mind. I groaned in disappointment as I leaned into the desk in front of me until I was practically draped over it. Ominis cleared his throat as he gave me a confused look in my direction before continuing the discussion.

"I work here as the Muggles Studies Professor,"

"Muggle Studies?"

"Yes, they needed someone to stand in and I volunteered, seeing that over these past 4 years, I've been interacting with many muggles in London and had grown a form of appreciation for them..." Ominis shuffled in his seat uncomfortable as I turned my head and just stared at him with my mouth agape.

"Y/N, please close your gaping mouth, you'll catch some lacewing flies," I laughed loudly at his comment and just shook my head in disbelief that Ominis, from the Gaunts, was teaching at Hogwarts over a well-hated subject for pure-bloods.

"Alright, I'm leaving, it seems that you've had enough information thrown at you today and you need to process it." Ominis sighed as he shot up from his seat with his wand already at hand blinking towards the direction of the door.

"Ominis! Wait!" I exclaimed I reached out and grabbed onto his wrist but dropped it immediately as if it had burned me as the thought of us almost kissing the night before plagued my mind.

Space, I need some space, I need to leave before I do anything else.

My mind was already in shambles with all the information Professor Weasley provided earlier over Professor Fig. I wasn't in my right head space; I can't be in this room with Ominis... alone.

I grabbed my belongings and made headway almost sprinting towards the door before a hand forcefully grabbed my wrist and whipped me back around.

The tight grip slowly released its hold on my wrist but instead of letting me leave his hands captured my own in between his instead. I slightly flinched at the sudden forwardness and began wriggling my hands out of his grip but that only made him hold on even tighter.

"Y/N..." Ominis softly whispered my name in a disappointed tone, painful even "... I said it last night and I'll say it again. It is not a crime to be close to a friend...," Ominis trailed off as he tugged on my hands and pulled me closer.

My breath hitched in my throat as Ominis continued "...A friend who has been through so much already with me in this lifetime and somehow, instead of turning her back from here from all of the turmoil we had experienced throughout our time in Hogwarts, she was the only one that came back and stayed," Ominis raised his right hand, and searched for my face as it slightly shook but reeled it back in the realization of his actions.

Many say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul, that by seeing someone's eyes you can always see their true feelings and intentions. Though for Ominis, it was how he touched you, it was his way of seeing you. I wanted ... even just for a little bit, for him to truly see me.

I don't know why I did what I did at that moment.

Maybe it was because I couldn't think logically with everything that was disclosed to me after so many years or maybe it was because I was overwhelmed by his musky vanilla scent, or the way he practically looked at me that made me forget how to breathe.

I reached for his hand that was stiff at his side and brought it up to my cheek, feeling my smile only grow as his thumb caressed my flushed cheeks, as he slowly broke out into a soft smile that mirrored mine.

"I'm glad your back Y/N..." Ominis whispered softly as he inched in closer where I was frozen in place. I stared at him as he continued to inch even closer until there was but a small space between us. I tilted my head up and gently closed my eyes as he leaned in closer.

Damn it all, I'll deal with the consequences that come forward later in the future. I just want him... his lips to be against mine after so many years of longing to be next to him again...


"Deek apologizes for interrupting but Deek was sent by Professor Weasley to retrieve something."

I shot my eyes open and broke free from Ominis' grip on my hand. I cleared my throat and turned to Deek as he just watched us unbothered and oblivious to the situation. I racked my brain thinking of some kind of excuse so that Deek wouldn't bring this back to Professor Weasley when my thoughts were disrupted by Ominis.

"You're not interrupting Deek, it was an unimportant discussion we were having," Ominis said calmly monotoned to the house-elf as he walked over to Deek to see if it was something that he could assist with. I just stood there staring at the both of them, trying to ignore the strange sense of pain that began developing in my chest, replaying the comment that Ominis had made, making it sound like it wasn't even a bother that we were interrupted.

" Good day to the both of you, Y/N and Mr. Gaunt," Deek bowed his head and apparated out of the classroom carrying a book back to Professor Weasley.

I fixed my clothes and walked over to the desk where I laid my belongings, grabbing hold of them and trying to escape before Ominis could make a comment about the situation. Though before I could sprint out the door, my wrist was seized once again this time with a different intent.

"Y/N," Ominis whipped me back around and gave a stern look that he's always been good at giving others.

"What is it?" I whispered back scared of what he needed to say.

"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing, just going back home and preparing for class tomorrow. Why?"

"Come with me to the Three Broomsticks, there's another reason why we need to speak... in private."

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Where stories live. Discover now