Chapter 21: Cara Mia

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"I have this nagging thought that I can't seize pondering, that it wasn't Garreth that we encountered but someone else." I began as I gripped the mug tight between my clammy palms. Ominis remained silent in encouragement to continue. I smiled in his direction before resuming my suspicions. "I know that I haven't been here for very long and I haven't seen Garreth much since arriving. When I went to school with Weasley, I can recollect soundly that he was always energetic and humble with his personality which caused him to run into trouble with detention quite often.

"But I never recall him acting with such brashness, for Merlin's sake he dug his wand into your chest."

Putting my elbows on the wooden slab, I leaned forward and rubbed the bridge of my nose. I was slightly annoyed that all these thoughts didn't spill over into my better judgment. Letting out a quiet huff I released the bridge of my frigid nose, glancing towards the misty grey drapes that fluttered from the cool dusk breeze. I leaned back into the creaking wooden chair, whose back post would snap if I rested my weight anymore as I tore my gaze from the dancing mist towards him seeing if there was any reaction that would pass through his features that would give me any inclination to the thoughts that went through his mind.

"Am I crazy for thinking this? This is the last thing I would want to do, accusing someone of deception." I sipped the now ice-cold Earl Grey as I found no indication of you discussing this topic. It was like shouting into a void, my words echoing around me without any response.

"Forget I said anything Ominis, I'm sorry." Rising from the chair, I sauntered towards the sink to dump out the remains of the beverage. I gripped the handle of the emerald green mug in annoyance as I placed it in the sink.

I need to let go of thinking that everyone is always a suspect in some sort of crime. This isn't the case for Garrett's instance. I am not hunting down loyalists or poachers. This is his friend, my friend.

Tucking the loose stretched curl that had escaped my lower bun, I began to pivot towards my chamber to sleep away the ridiculous notions that didn't seem to taunt me the past weeks. I rubbed my wedding ring with my thumb and pointer finger as I took a step to leave the kitchen until I bumped into a large frame that stood in my way. Startled, I looked up to find Ominis standing before me with such tenderness in his gaze.

"Ominis what are you doing? Please move, I must make my way towards my room to ponder away the thoughts of this inexcusable accusation I made towards our friend."

"You know, I've noticed something about you over the nearly decade we have known each other," Ominis chuckled softly as amusement danced around his words.

"And what is that?" I huffed as I crossed my arms, clutching the coarse beige jumper that suddenly felt two sizes too small. I stared at his own grey jumper that he had donned, awaiting if he also felt this heavy feeling of claustrophobia that had befallen me, trapped in a corner with no escape. Ominis moved closer to me, allowing me to tear my eyes away from his chest, towards his face. It was like a blank canvas, unexpectedly being brushed with a stroke of color in a moment of emotion – a rosebud blooming in the morning sun.

"Whenever you get nervous or even irritated you suddenly begin speaking all proper, it's quite amusing," Ominis grinned as a scowl covered my face at his sudden teasing at not the problem that was at hand.

"Alright goodnight," I muttered annoyed at his lack of urgency from my suspicions. Picking up my skirts I gave him one last grunt in annoyance as I began to sidestep around his looming frame that showed no signs of budging.

"Ah ah ah, wait for just a second," Ominis murmured as two outstretched arms extended from the corner of my eye and clung to the counter space directly behind me. Ominis stayed deathly still as I slowly backed away until the cold counter hit my lower back. I gawked at his face as he loomed over me, silently.

Was he always this tall?

"What are you doing?" I sputtered shocked at his sudden change in demeanor.

"Cara Mia, please listen to me."

Cara Mia?

"I might be able to listen if you didn't stand too close to me Ominis...".

"This is close to you? No, I can show you close if you'd like," a gravelly voice responded back, a sound I never even heard emitted from his own lips that only caused me to seize breathing, he was too close, close enough that I was in fear he would be able to hear my rapid heartbeat accelerating. Close enough that the smell of rosemary and lemon clouded my thoughts.


"Just you saying my name with your voice was enough reason for me to wait for you ..."

I snapped my eyes upward in search of his hazy greyish-blue eyes that flicked in every direction in search of where my voice came from as he continued to flash me with his lopsided grin. This isn't like him. Something happened while we were drinking the tea, and that must be the only reason why he's reacting so uncharacteristically. Slowly tilting to the side to not make much rustling I tried to catch a quick glimpse of the tea that had been placed in the sink to see if there were any traces of enhancement that was placed in the tea.


I panned the kitchen for anything to explain this abrupt behavior that had befallen Ominis. Instantly, a slight whisp of air began to tickle the upper arch of my eyebrow, I whipped my head back to the enclosed situation I had succumbed to. Only to find Ominis whispering sweet words of longing to what he suspected was my ear.

"Please stay with me..."

"Why do you keep saying these endearing words to me?"

I faintly murmured as Ominis flashed me the most dazzling smile as the feeling of warmth swelled throughout my lower abdomen causing a sudden surge of heat to spread throughout every ligament and nerve. It was like the warmth of the sun on a summer day, radiating from the tips of my toes to the depths of my soul. Beads of water began to appear on my forehead as he bent his arms, looming his figure over me. His presence was so strong and powerful that I could feel it penetrate my entire being, intensifying the feeling of warmth even more. Wrapping my arms even tighter around me I gripped my hips and scanned my eyes anywhere trying to find any way to escape before something did happen.

"Guide me to your lips." Ominis huskily grumbled as I gaped at him as his face loomed so close over mine, only giving more fuel to the flame that had been ignited. Gingerly laying my right hand on his chest, I felt the accelerated beating of his heart that matched my own and the quick, shallow intakes of breath that only ignited me further. Nervously biting my lip, I tenderly raised my other hand towards his face. His lips parted in anticipation as I reached my trembling fingertips towards them, allowing me to feel the warmth that radiated from his skin.

How could a man have such flawless skin was beyond me but it always made sense when it was him.

With a deep breath, I stepped away from the counter that threatened to trap me and held Ominis up to my forehead with trembling hands. I had to ensure that this wouldn't be the cause of our demise.

"Are you sure?" I whispered surprising myself with how my voice trembled feverishly against my ears.

"I'm more than certain Cara Mia," Ominis murmured, leaving me engrossed and entranced by his words. I released my right hand from his chest and placed it on the other side where his constellation of marks sprinkled his face. I gently touched each marking, admiring the intricate pattern that adorned him. Ominis released his hand from the counter that had me engaged and engulfed my hands underneath his smooth callused hands from holding his wand.

Ominis tenderly pulled my face close to his before warm lips crashed onto my own.

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