Chapter Fourteen: A Battle of Sighs

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"You want to what?! Marry me?!" you paced back and forth along the floor in slight shock from my strained question, as I heard your rapid breathing turning shallower. It was as if there was not enough air in this room to allow you to comprehend the impossible task, I bestowed upon you in my desperate cry for help.

"Y/N...I need you-" I began as I heard you let out a long sigh from the built-up air that had begun accumulating in your lungs from the sudden pressure, I had put you under. I walked to where I last heard the squeak of the rusty old wooden boards and blindly brushed out my hand, searching for your warmth, even just from the fabric of the wool that you wore, to allow me to explain the plan I had devised for this to work.

"No, Ominis," you huffed as I heard you stride even further away from me to the other side of the already finely confined space, where we continued looming away from one another. Our emotions slowly rose in heat, just as the wood cracked under the intense pressure from the flames burning on top.

"Why can't you open your ears to listen to me?! If there was any other way, do you not consider or think  that I would have come up with any other options?!" I raised my voice feeling the continuing heat intensify and pulled the core in my chest of the absurdity that you out of all individuals would not listen.

" I was your last choice?! You need me to save you from marrying Anise Goyle so you decided that the next best idea rather than confronting the situation head on is to marry me..." you hissed at me under your breath. If one didn't know it would almost seem as if you knew parseltongue from how you had strung your words together.

I was taken by surprise at your...anger. It wasn't like you to yell and blow up at the mere suggestion of an idea. You never really did with Sebastian you were calm and collected, why are you being so indignant toward me?

I sighed (hopefully the last after so many times we had blown our breath in this short period together) and gently whispered your name in the hopes that you would stop pacing the room, Sirona would throw us out from the hard pacing that you still ceased to stop.

"Come here... please. Just, let me explain." I walked in the direction of the sound of the cracking flame until I felt the flickering embers become a torrid blanket over my face. I pivoted on my heels to where I heard the slight click of your shoes echoing closer until you were right in front of me.

"You were not my last choice, this was more such-," I cleared my throat as I took a small step towards you. "This was the last idea that sprouted after the last letter I had received, just a few days before your unknown arrival." I rubbed the parchment paper that I tucked away in the folds of my pants, reminding me what was at stake.

I timidly took in a shaky breath and rolled my shoulders back as my feet took a mind of its own taking a smaller step to your cold stance, and one step further from the comfort of the heat against my back. That gave me the strength to continue this ... undesired conversation.

"Y/N you know if there was any other way to stop them from moving towards this union, I would have done so! I have already rebelled against their notions of following the dark arts and to no avail that did nothing. I came here to Hogwarts to become a Muggle Studies professor and that still didn't deter them from the notion of furthering the pure-blood line! Y/N please ... I'm begging you to help me." I raked my hand through my hair in desperation so that you would understand that if you couldn't help me, I would have no other alternative but to leave.

That was the very last choice.

I just reunited with you; I held you twice in the span of less than 2 days. Just the feeling of you wrapping your arms around my frame as I wrapped mine around your small waist. The feeling of your hair tickling my nose as I nuzzled my face, smelling the world of your travels as I felt you tighten your grip around me. The way you gently rubbed my back as you unconsciously pressed yourself up against me as I held my breath in attempting to think of anything else. Not the way your bosom had pushed against my chest that I could almost outline the shape of your bust, not the way that if you pressed against me even tighter...

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