Chapter Eleven: Under the Moonlight - Part Two

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When you took me out to the back of the house, into the backyard, the insatiability of wanting to hold you close to me, enclosed in my arms only flourished by the second.

Every minute that passed, only grew more dangerous than the last as my temptation began to swell. I heard the small intakes of breath when we sat near each other, the way you held your hands in your lap, moving them timidly every time I made small talk.

Though, the question that had continued to consume my mind continued coming back. I had to ask you, I just needed to learn why you did what you had to do.

Tell me Y/N, please.

I cleared my throat and asked the thought that had engrossed my mind for the past 4 years, bracing myself for the answer. 

"You know, I always wondered why..." I dried my moist hands on the dark beige pants I had worn and slowly continued "I sent you letters, and I never received a response back...did they ever reach you?" I held my breath as I waited for your response... it almost felt like a whole hour had passed when you finally did. 

"Ominis..." a soft whisper responded, but in an instant, your gentle tone completely changed, and the answer I received almost sounded as if it was rehearsed. "I never knew you were sending me letters! I would have replied immediately! Especially to my dear friend," you replied with a giant smile.

Why did you lie to me?

You always told me the truth.

I listened to your shift of breathing to confirm my suspicion. You received my letters... but never responded back. Did you do this to everyone? Or just to me?

I pursed my lips together as I tilted my head down to the ground.

I felt my chest slowly tighten in the realization that maybe Garreth was righ--

I slowly lifted my head up and felt a soft gaze land upon me, I didn't move waiting for you to stop, but you didn't. Your gaze only continued to amplify with more intensity as I remained still.

"I know it's been an incredible amount of time since we've been in each other's company, though what are you staring so hard at?" I murmured to you gently.

You began to stutter, in the realization that you have been caught.

"I'm just glad to see a familiar face since coming back," you muttered under your breath, traced with embarrassment from staring at me for so long.

Why didn't you respond to me, Y/N?

Why didn't you reach out to me?

What has you so scared that you can't express yourself in my sole company as we did before?

Have I grown that much of a stranger to you?

I decided at that moment, that I had to show you how much I needed you.


Need was the incorrect word to use.

How I desired you. How I craved you.

  I turned my body towards where you sat and inched closer. In a low murmur, I replied gruffly to your response "The sentiment is mutual... it's been agonizing not being able to hear your voice... for so long."

I felt the heat radiating from your hand that was dangerously close to my own as I brushed my pinky tenderly over it. You took in a shuddered breath from my touch as I began to lean in closer to you. I felt your feverish, shallow breath on my lips as I heard and felt your breathing intensify.

Suddenly this agonizing, all-consuming, desire, overwhelmed me with this single craving.

The aching need... to kiss you.  

"Y/N..." I gruffly sighed as I reached out my hand to envelop you in my arms.


"What was that sound," I questioned hoarsely, still consumed by the thought of devouring your lips between my own.

"It was a puffskein," you replied curtly. Abruptly, you rose from the bench and began wrapping a shawl around you tightly. "It's growing late, I have my first class tomorrow. I believe it's best if we depart ways with one another for tonight."

There it was again... this façade you continue to use with responding to me bluntly. I cleared my throat as I stood up and grabbed my wand, pointing it in the direction of the cottage.

"You're right," I faintly responded as we walked to the house together "There'll be ample opportunities to chat with one another."

We arrived at the back porch of the house, and you grabbed my hand, brushing your thumb over it as if apologizing for the incident that happened moments prior.

I didn't want an apology, I just wanted you.

You began to open the door when the desire to hold you returned. I couldn't let you leave, I had to do this before I'd lose the courage as I did multiple times before.

"Wait!! Y/N!!" I yelled as I reached out for your hand and tugged you closely to my frame. I enveloped you in my arms as I lowered my chin on the top of your head. Your shoulders ceased moving as I held you tight, not hearing a single intake of breath as I held you close.

You were so warm after all of these years, I was almost made to believe that you were gone and would never return. I placed my lips on the crown of your head and faintly kissed it so you wouldn't tell that I did. I lifted my head and lowered it next to your ear and whispered tenderly "There's nothing wrong with old friends hugging."

I felt you shiver slightly under my touch "No, there isn't," you replied breathlessly as I felt you wrap your delicate arms around me.

Grinning, I slowly unraveled myself from our embrace and walked down the stairs before I turned and called out to you.

"Goodnight, Y/N."



I made my way back home, and slowly set down my items before I heard a rustle once again from where I set down my wand.

Please, don't let it be what I think it is.

I picked up the letter and peeled it open, only to find the contents within it ... from those who arranged my life to be one of misery.


You missed the date of meeting your betrothed you insufferable blind brute. You should be grateful that we even found someone to marry you, boy. Your brother will be coming to retrieve you. You will abide. 

I will see you shortly,

..... I'm running out of time.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن