Chapter Nine: Garreth Grandiose Glass Potion Emporium

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Ominis POV~

4 Years Later

"Ominis...I'm paying you to help me calculate how many Amortentia potions we need to brew, not to daydream AGAIN."

A muffled voice yelled in the direction from where I sat. I felt the soft shuffling of footsteps quicken towards me as my chin rested on the palm of my hand. I had begun to wander deep into thoughts about Y/N, more than I usually have, especially in the last few months.

How were they?

Were they fine?

Did there's another explanation for why there's still no response to my owls.

Suddenly a skull-breaking WACK smacked the back of my head causing me to almost lose my balance off the chair I was sitting on.

Slamming my palms onto the desk in front of me, I whipped my head toward the direction where the footsteps had halted.

"What in MERLINS NAME gives you the RIGHT—"

"Ominis... do I need to remind you... THAT BLOODY VALENTINES DAY IS TOMORROW,"

"Garreth, truly. I don't understand why we are brewing such a ridiculous amount of potions that can be purchased in other locatio—"

"Stop right there my visually impaired friend! I'll tell you exactly why this is so important!" I rolled my eyes in exasperation regretting that I even asked as I heard the smugness steep through his voice.

"Garreth, I swear to—"

"This will only take a second, I have to make these potions. Must beat the competition don't you know."

"Why did I choose here out of all places to work," I muttered to myself as I rubbed my face in desperation, I tilted my face up to the sky asking anything, anyone, to save me from this place.

"Now Omi, the reason why we MUST have these brewed by tomorrow is no other reason! Although, mine have a special...prowess to it."

"Garreth, please stop, I am begging you," I stood up from my chair and frantically grabbed my wand as I tried to find a way out of this damn shop.

The shop was small and quaint, it was located a bit on the outskirts of Hogsmeade in some of the open land that resided near Dogweed and Deathcap. Although the store looked quaint on the outside, it was astounding in size inside. There were two floors, the first floor was for the customers that usually, either Garreth or I, would attend to or retrieve the orders that they had placed ahead. On the second floor,  was where Garreth worked on his new drinks or 'revised' some of his past mistakes, in his words it was his 'glory space'. Along the walls on the second floor laid shelves and shelves of different drinks that provided the same effects as the usual potions would but in Garreth's hands they became ... potent... to say the least.

Oh... and-

He named the quaint shop.

Garreth Grandiose Glass Potion Emporium....

"Alright, alright, don't leave I need you to count how much more Amortentia we need," Garreth grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the door as he laughed at my reaction to his teasing.

I shook my head in distress over his antics and resumed counting the number of potions we had in stock as I ran my hand over the glass containers. On each of the small vials, there were raised organized clumps that formed the names of the potions in braille. Garreth had been able to specially design the bottles just to make the job a bit less taxing when I was hired on.

I jotted and ran my fingers over the bottles until I was in a trance, repeating the same actions over and over again.

Scan, write, check, scan, write, check, scan, write, check, sca—

"Have you heard from Y/N?" Garreth asked quietly.

My hand froze in mid-air, as he broke the trance I was under. Lowering my hand slowly to my side, I turned in the direction where I heard Garreth's voice.

"No, I haven't."

"It's been four years Ominis, don't you think you should move on ? I don't think they're coming back."

I know that I know that he's probably right. You might never come back, but that's not like you.

You have to come back...

"They work as an Auror Garreth, they could be anywhere in the world, there's an explanation why there hasn't been any responses from the owls I've sent," I said softly as my hands became strangely focused on the small piece of leather on the corner of my apron.

"You know you're my friend Ominis, I just don't want you getting your hopes up if they don't return," Garreth said as his voice was traced with concern.

"Thank you, Garreth," I cleared my throat "We have to finish the inventory, can we have this conversation some other time?"

"Of course."

For the rest of the shift, we worked in silence.


I walked home in a quiet stillness, not even the stars were speaking to me tonight. Sighing,  I opened the door and hung up my coat, and walked towards the kitchen. I placed my wand down on the table when I felt a strange sound rustle underneath it.

I paused and turned my head towards the sound and grabbed the paper that nestled underneath it. That's strange... I didn't bring in the mail this morning.

Timidly I opened the letter and ran my fingers across the paper ... it wasn't in braille.

I picked up my wand and waved it over the paper to reveal the contents of the letter.

Mr. Gaunt,

How good to hear that you are back in Hogwarts settling in Hogsmeade with my nephew with his...emporium. We just had a recent opening for 2 temporary professors. I wanted to offer the temporary position of becoming the new Muggles Studies Professor at Hogwarts to you! I would have offered you the position of becoming the new DADA temporary instructor, but your friend has resigned from their duties as an Auror and has already accepted the position.

Hope to hear your response soon,

Matilda Weasley.


I gripped the letter to my chest and allowed a smile to slowly spread across my face.

You're coming back.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Where stories live. Discover now