Chapter Ten: The Sound of My Name on Your Lips

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"Are you certain it's them? My aunt didn't exactly specify who was coming back. Just that someone you were once friends with was resigning as an Auror, and accepted the position as the new temp!"

"This is the final time that we're having this conversation Garreth."

I rubbed the back of my neck in desperation to move toward another topic. Ever since the arrival of that letter, for the last few months, Garreth had been attempting to convince me that you would never come back.

"Ominis, they haven't sent you an owl that they're coming back and haven't even responded to the owls that you've sent them. For. The. Past. Four. Years."

I sighed as I heard the cobblestone tap underneath my thin-soled boot as we made our way to The Three Broomsticks.

"There's a reason why. We're just not .... truly aware of the situation just yet...,"

"Have you contemplated what you'd do if it isn't them?"

"No, because I'm certain it is," I trailed off under my breath.

I had to believe that you were coming back.

I needed to.

You were always there for me when I needed you the most.

That the only reason you weren't by my side these past few years, was because you needed yourself the most. To tie up loose ends, to seek forgiveness for the father figure you lost too soon, and to right the wrongs that had snuck away during the battle under Hogwarts.

Though a part of me wanted to be selfish and convince you to come back home... to me. This same small part that still clung to you...waiting for you to realize that you needed me as much as I pined and yearned ... for you.

We came to a slow stop, and I heard Garreth sigh behind me as we stood in front of the entrance of the popular pub.

"I just don't want you to get your hopes up... which reminds me of a more pressing topic." He hung his arm over my shoulder and turned his head in both directions to ensure that no one else was near before continuing.

"You know that I won't be able to help with persuading your parents about the predicament they unwillingly engaged you in. Quiet literally engaged."

I rubbed the prison sentence that my parents had issued me weeks prior, between my forefinger and thumb that was still positioned in my front pocket. The death sentence of an arranged marriage to that troll.

"I'll find a way to escape this unruly predicament."

Garreth laughed at my response, and we finally entered the pub.

" Evening boys, what would you love to have this evening," Sirona inquired as we settled into our seats.

"Just Pumpkin Juice for Ominis and me. Thank you, Sirona,"

"Always a pleasure, I'll bring those right out for you," Sirona said as she left, before coming right back and dropping off our drinks.

We slowly drank our beverage in small silence before Garreth intervened with a loud sigh.

"Ahhhh, it's quite a shame I lost a coworker at the end though. He went from traveling London to working at the most magnificent potion emporium ever created to sadly a Muggles Studies Professor," Garreth downed the rest of his drink and chuckled at the prospect of my new employment.

"It's not the dream position I always wanted; you know charms was truly where I saw myself. Never a muggles professor and certainly never at a mere potion shop." I fiddled with the handle of the mug, smirking in Garreth's direction as he took in a sharp gasp at my comment before I continued.

"Though... I need my family to be disappointed in me. I need them to call off this ridiculous engagement before I resort to ...other tactics," I leaned back into my seat as I listened to the shuffling and sliding of chairs as more and more people began to slowly walk in and out of the pub.

"I don't even want to know what sort of tactics you're even considering," Garreth then suddenly rubbed his stomach and mumbled to me quickly "I'll be right back," before sprinting out the back.

Must have been that potion he drank earlier today when I outright refused to try his new 'concoction'.

Five, ten, and then fifteen minutes passed by, as I continued waiting and downed the rest of the drink.

I probably shouldn't have drunk that whole mug of Pumpkin Juice; I'm feeling the effects of it too soon. Might take until tomorrow morning for this to wear off. I thought to myself as I waited for Garreth to return.

I began to feel concerned when he hadn't returned after half an hour passed.

I slowly rose to my feet, noticing the light headiness had begun to kick in as I slowly began to walk towards the doors. Once outside, I scanned my wand around the surrounding area only to hear Garreth talking to the new shopkeeper that took over Stitches and Draughts.

I let out a long sigh as I walked up to the pair "Garreth, I'm beginning to feel the effects of the drink we just shared. I'm heading home. Good day, Garreth, Miss Neill." I nodded my head, acknowledging them both before heading back toward my quarters.

"Think about what I said!" Garreth yelled behind me before returning to his entranced conversation with Miss Neill once more.

What was the name of that foul concoction that he drank earlier this morning called again? Amortentia? Felix Felicis?

Potion names always escaped me.


Strolling down Hogsmeade was always enjoyable, especially during the cusp of dusk. I continued down the cobblestone road, toward my living space when I heard a familiar voice.

"Do tell Professor Weasley that I'm grateful that she allowed you to help with transporting my luggage."

Is it...

"Deek will always help Y/N when in need."

It is...

"Alright, now where too..."



Even after 4 years, I knew the sound of your voice as if it was imprinted in the back of my mind.

I shuffled behind an alley as I listened to you mumbling to yourself, over which direction to take in order to get home the quickest.

Wait this isn't right.

I thought to myself as I slowly paced behind you a great distance away as you headed towards your new living arrangements.

Though, all common reasoning left me as soon as I heard your voice. It didn't help that I was a bit more carefree due to the celebratory drink I had with Weasley only a couple of hours prior.

You walked down the winded path to the outskirts of Hogsmeade into a small cottage that had been abandoned for years, but recently been repaired for its new guest. I heard your elated sigh of relief and a small smile slowly began to dance at the edge of my lips.

Suddenly above me, I heard a faint twinkle in the sky.

Night already?

I began to frantically decide if I should come back some other time, in a more proper fashion to greet an old friend.

I hadn't even finished deciding, when I realized I was already on the porch, knocking on the door.

Soft footsteps slowly became louder until the sound of the door creaking open brought my attention back to the present.

That's when I heard.

A voice I truly didn't know how desperately I yearned for until that very moment.


Oh, how I missed the sound of my name on your lips.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Where stories live. Discover now