Chapter Twelve: You Love Her, Ominis

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"Where will you go from here?"

"I might have to use the last tactic, although it's not the one I wanted to use..."

"Ominis... what is this last tactic? You make it sound so dreadful,"

"It's not the fact that it's dreadful, it's the case that I wanted to use it under better circumstances not under dire ones," I shook my head as I heard a creak from the chair that Garreth was sitting on, across from my desk in my office.

"Well, now you must tell me! Wait... does this involve Y/N?"

"Yes...their answer will be the main factor if we are to move on with this plan or not."

"Okay enough with the secrecy, it's driving my head up the wall,"

I gave Garreth an irritated stare in the direction to where he paced the floor before I took in a deep breath and sighed out the ridiculous idea that I had come up with a week before. Although it was just a passing idea, not something I would have likely used anytime soon, but with the letter that I had received a few nights prior things had escalated. If I didn't act soon, my hands will be tied, and I'd be walking down the aisle into a loveless marriage.

"I'm going to ask her to marry me."

I heard Garreth's shoes squeak to a halt. A still quiet then overtook the room with only the muffled sound of students chattering in the hallways.

"What are you thinking Ominis, this is beyond nonsense. Look, I know that you are terrified of being dragged back to stay with your family, but you can't rope her into this with you." Garreth explained in a grave tone over the stained idea that I had in using you.

"It is not my decision to make Garreth, at the end of the day it's her final decision if she accepts my proposal" I explained as I sighed and leaned back into my chair.

"We're back at the same concept since before they came back, what if they don't? What if she decides that she doesn't want to marry you?" Garreth came over behind me and looked out the window that faced towards the lake behind Hogwarts and sighed before continuing.

"It's been 4 years since you both last properly spoke to each other, a lot can happen in those 4 years,"

"I have to at least try..." I faintly murmured to Garreth as he walked over to his chair and leaned back, before asking softly.

"Why do you want to marry her?"


"Why. Do. You. Want. To. Marry. Her." Garreth asked more sternly.

"Why are you asking me that? Why are you getting so irritated?" I asked annoyed.

"Answer my question, and then I'll answer yours," Garreth simply responded.

"Garreth," I groaned in irritation, but his silence was enough to realize I had to respond.

"She's my best friend," I stated plainly as I rose from my chair and began grabbing my belongings to find her "and if I were to marry anyone at this minute then it would be her."

"No, that's not it..."

"Then what is it Garreth? Since you seem to know so well."

"You're in love with her..." Garreth softly whispered

I froze.


"You sent her letters for over 4 years, you always think of her since she left to become an Auror, and..." Garreth cleared his throat before continuing " If there's any chance in which she says yes to your idea, your hoping that this may lead to an actual relationship with one another where she loves you too."

"Garreth..." I started saying his name, but he cut me off once more

"and the reason that I'm irritated is because she's my friend too, and this is not the way to solve your problems. She was used once before and it cost her mentor, she was used a second time and it cost her  best friend to be on the run forever, what will this cost her?"

Garreth then stood up from the chair and walked out of the office, but not until he turned back around to tell me one last thing.

"If you are to go through with this, and she does say yes because she cares about you, don't lead her on. You need to tell her how you really feel about her. She deserves that at least." Garreth said with a smile in his tone, as he grabbed his coat and headed towards the door.

"Garreth," I yelled out towards him, but he simply waved his hand up in the air as he apparated back to his shop.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Where stories live. Discover now