Chapter Three: Green Flames

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"Alright, now repeat after me, Expelliarmus!"
"Expelliarmus," voices echoed throughout the room repeating the spell. 
"That was perfect!" I exclaimed, beaming at how easily they were picking up the spells, "Alright! Let's pair up with a partner and take turns practicing these spells on one another," I instructed the class as I paced around them as they formed their respective groups. 

"Professor L/N?" I turned my head and saw one of my Slytherin students with a quizzical look on her face.
"Why is the Expelliarmus spell so important? It's just a disarming spell," she asked, with of course common rationality as anyone would with this common spell.
"Well..." I drifted to the middle of the class with a slight grin on my face "Let me tell you a story when I was working as an Auror," I came to a standstill and peered at the class before continuing. "I was walking in a secluded area of North America trying to investigate a lead that loyalists were in hiding in a forest. As soon as I was led to believe that my lead was false, I was ambushed by 6 of the loyalists all at once. I was unprepared for the surprise attack that they were able to cast Leviosa on me countless times. The only way I was able to free myself of such a situation was to cast Expelliarmus individually to disarm their wands and to gain the upper hand," many of them continued to throw me questionable looks.

"Don't be doubtful of this spell, it has aided me multiple times when I have faced Ranrok, other loyalists, and even dark wizards. This spell can determine between life or death based on the circumstances," strolling back to the front of the class I clapped my hands together. "Well then, that's enough for today! I expect that the next time we meet we can perform the disarming spell with ease. Afterward, we will continue class learning the Deprimo spell," I gave a small nod "Class is dismissed."

The students promptly shuffled out of the class, as I began packing for the end of the school day when I heard a knock at my classroom door.
"Come in," I called out in the direction where the knock came from.
"Professor L/N, I don't believe I could have chosen anyone better as a temporary instructor," a familiar voice yelled in a teasing tone. I shot up my head only to be met with a familiar face, "Professor Weasley!" I blurted out in surprise as she made her way up to my desk.
"Look at how much you have matured these past 4 years! I still remember that 5th year who always ended up lost somewhere on these grounds," she grinned at me before continuing "I also for some reason recall that you used to wave your wand around and repeated Revelio relentlessly, so peculiar..."  she commented with a small glint in her eyes.

I cleared my throat as I felt myself getting flushed as she recollected my previous events that occurred as a student (I wasn't certain if it was amazing or intimidating that she was able to recall my previous incidents). Professor Weasley howled at the reaction that she was able to coax out of me before continuing, "Now, now, now I'm not here to just tease you, there's also another reason why I need you." Professor Weasley sauntered over to one of the chairs that were left out from my previous class and pushed it in before continuing, "Are your classes done for the day?"
"Yes, I believe so," I responded puzzled as to why she asked.
"Beautiful, now L/N if you wouldn't mind following me," she swiftly turned on her heels leaving me to scramble the last of my items before I briskly walked to catch up with her.

We began our walk down the hallway in silence, as we made our way to the Astronomy Wing. Professor Weasley wasn't entirely mistaken when she stated that I would easily get lost through these hallways, even now after 4 years I would still be left astray if I wasn't following closely behind. We finally made our way down the stairs until we turned the corner, making our way past the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy when I realized.

This is the Charms Classroom... this is where Professor Fig and I would -

"Where are you taking me?"

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें