Chapter 27 : Nyx

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She came into view like a white lamb, ethereal and pure that it almost physically ached to loom upon her older figure, knowing that our youth had been left behind to a more troubling time.

She was someone I was forbidden to ever lay eyes upon again, an unforgivable sin to even cross her path. Yet, the smallest hope etched across my sleeve begged for attention, urging me to rip it off and bury it in the bleakest corners of my soul. Still, I yearned for it-the chance to see her smile once more, to dispel the darkness that clung to the forest and enveloped me like a cloak.

"Sebastian! Are you here?" the lamb called out, fatigue painted upon her face.

Someone as precious and angelic as she had no place wandering into the serpent's den, where tragedy awaited anyone who dared to venture further into the forbidden depths of the forest. It was a place where those with morbid pasts and darker futures lurked in the shadows, preying on the innocent, and waiting for their next victim. We, who knew we were already damned, lingered there, consumed by the darkness that surrounded us.


A desire overcame me, causing the hairs on my arms to ripple in response to the thought. The lure of your voice held me captive, ensnaring my senses in a way that I couldn't resist. A tone so clear and alluring, it almost dripped with honey. A slight shiver of delight slithered down my spine, its magnitude so strong that it could only be attributed to you-only you could possess such power over me.

It felt almost unbearable, the desire to step out of the hidden darkness that molded me into the shadows of the dense greenery. The trees themselves seemed to crave the light that blessed her, longing for it to envelop them as it did me. The warmth you carried made me want to hiss in both pain and pleasure, caught in the dichotomy of wanting to draw closer yet fearing the intensity of the light.

You had swallowed the moon and were the reincarnation of Selene herself.

What I would give to be blessed with the chance to feel your touch upon my skin. Just the thought ignited waves of desire that surged through me, feeling the pit of my stomach grow hot in response.

The large tree shrouded the place I had called home, the hidden sanctuary that had become my prison for the past four years. It was here, amidst the shrouded night of the forest, that I had become entwined with darkness.

She shouldn't see me.

Not the person I had become.

I crouched behind the gnarled oak, peering around it with caution, my gaze fixed on you as I observed your movements with care. While uninvited memories flooded my mind-a hidden bone-filled tomb that tormented me behind the lids of my eyes.

A curse I had bestowed upon myself to preserve what little remained of my sanity, allowing the dripping sin to tether me to this hells-forsaken place.

Then a slight tone difference pierced my ears. I peered around the knotted bark to catch you limping in every other step you took, a detail not lost within the sound of the slight breeze.

"She's hurt, you must help her," the voice began, its relentless cadence echoing against the walls of my skull, laced with the familiar tone of disappointment, a reminder that I could never escape, even beyond the grave.

"No," I hissed in response, glaring at the knowing face that flickered through my mind, its expression etched with the same look that haunted me relentlessly. "Just stop. I'll rest as soon as she disappears."

"Stubborn as always, just like your Father."

A trait that I'm not proud of.

"Yet with an undying kindness like your Mother."

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