Chapter 23: Let Thy Burn.

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TW: Non- Consensual forms of touching and Violence.


That's how they felt against my own.

Ominis's hands were buried in my hair as he pulled me in closer and his lips explored my mouth feverishly. My hands tentatively rested against his hard-built chest as they traveled slowly towards his face only pulling him closer towards my own. Ominis grunted against my mouth as he pushed me up against the countertop. He removed his hands from my hair and grasped my waist before lifting me and placing me on the smooth counter.

I gasped in shock at his sudden movements in which he slipped his tongue and flicked it against the surface of my tongue, devouring me. I clawed at his jumper as his fingers played with the hem of my wool sweater that suddenly seemed too hot in the cool briskness of the night air blowing in our small cottage. Ominis tenderly released the threads of clothing and slipped them underneath until his cold hands touched my bare skin sending waves of pleasure up my skin as small bumps responded to his hold on my heart.

"You're quite in love with him aren't you mudblood?" he whispered gingerly in my ear.

I froze.

I released my interlocked lips slowly from his as I glanced over his shoulder at the reflection of us in the window that looked out the back of the cottage noticing the sudden demeanor change in his stance.

The person in front of me wasn't my husband.

"Clinton," I murmured softly as I drew away from the strange arms that encircled me, no longer an embrace of familiarity but of hostility.

"Hello Mrs. Gaunt, I do hope this encounter wasn't too much of a surprise for you on such short notice." Clinton grinned barring all his teeth as his finger traced down my cheek and took hold of my chin tilting it upwards until dark grey stared back at me.

"What did you do to him..." I trailed off. I reached for my wand at my side but stiffened when I realized my wand wasn't on me. I never had my wand when I was home. Usually, there was never a reason to carry it around but not since Ominis finally knew the layout of the house--


Gods, how did I not see it?

"You really didn't know where the cups didn't have enough time to check when you were here acting as Garreth," I mumbled as Clinton's grin grew larger.

"You really were the only one that saw through the charade," he murmured as he nuzzled his nose into my neck as I turned rigid at his touch.

"Tell me where he is," I whispered again as Clinton stepped back allowing me to take hold of the counter behind me as the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach spread through my trembling figure.

"Oh, Cara Mia, he's dead." Clinton stared into my eyes as the smallest hint of satisfaction gleamed from his face as if the whole world crumbled beneath my feet.


What does he mean by dead?

My hands began to tremble as I brought them down to my side, clutching them into fists in an attempt to hold my emotions at bay.


I know Ominis. He isn't dead.

They wouldn't be here if it was him they needed, they needed me.

I raised my chin as I flexed my fingers, and silently whispered "Accio wand."

My wand flew out of the room as I quickly grasped it firmly, pointing threateningly at Clinton.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Where stories live. Discover now