Chapter 20: Veins and Valleys

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Weeks had passed since Garreth last came to warn us of his recent confrontation with Clinton. It wasn't out of character for him to take his time from visiting us again of course. He did seem taken aback by finding that his best mate had been married to someone that's been gone for what seemed like a decade. But for some reason... the bells continued to ring in the back of my mind that something was amiss from the encounter that we had. I didn't want to blame it on my experience of confronting individuals with questionable backgrounds though there was just something that I couldn't confidently declare that he was Garreth. It was like a fleeting string that lightly grazed and tickled deep in the center of my being, that teased me to pull and unravel the truth that I knew but couldn't seem to grasp nor understand.

I glanced at the dark mahogany dining table that Ominis had purchased when we first began moving into the cottage, my fingers subtly ran over the furniture, tracing the curvatures that were scattered throughout the streaks and valleys of the wood grain. Leaning back in the chair I mindlessly twisted the star that rested on my finger, a manner that I've come to adapt while deep in thought, which was quite often the past weeks. Gazing down at the stone that gleamed in refracted lights from the evening sunsets rays, my mouth twitched upwards at the stunning gem that he had gifted me. Mindlessly my fingers made their way towards my lips, as I recollected the faint warmth that had covered my own months ago.

"Are you alright?" Ominis voice rang from behind me, as I swiftly tore my fingers from skimming my bottom pout and laid it to rest in my lap.

"Ominis, did something seem off about Garreth when he came to visit a few weeks back?"

"Not that I'm keenly aware of?" Ominis questioned as he walked past the table, making his way towards the kitchen. I tore my eyes away from the table towards the looming stature, that was cladded in a heather gray button garb, a black button-up cotton vest, and donned in dark grey pants along with a pair of traveling black boots. Ominis slowly moved around the cooking space with his hand outstretched in front of him grazing the countertops and the cabinets to familiarize himself with where the items were located.

There is no use for my wand in our household he said to me a few days ago after I came home from a strenuous quidditch game to him fumbling in the dark. I will memorize every space to ensure if something were to happen, I'd be able to reach you.

"Have you memorized the living space recently? I haven't seen you with your wand recently navigating the space nor the upstairs area."

"I have! The only area I somewhat still struggle in is just the kitchen area, the utensils, dining plates, and cups are always someplace different."

"Well if it makes it easier, the mugs are always on the bottom shelves, plates are at the top, while the utensils are always found in a drawer right below the cabinet."

"Ah! That is easier!" Ominis chuckled as he grabbed two forest green mugs, "Would you like some tea?"

"I would! Earl Grey please, I don't think I'll be sleeping anytime soon." I replied dazedly, peering out the hazy window in an attempt to catch the last golden rays before it was tucked away below the horizon as the azure black dusk began to span the night. The thud of the mug peeled my eyes away from the dark alfresco towards the slender, pale backhand that was etched with intertwined streams and valleys of veins. Ominis's hands hovered over the rim of the mug, with no signs of yielding from its placement.

I peeked through the strands of hair that curtained my face, fluttering upwards to meet his pensive eyes. I held my breath feeling as if he could truly see me, that he could see my doubt, my troubles, my worries with the circumstances we found ourselves in. Ominis released his hand from the mouth of the mug and settled down in the chair that was adjacent to my right and crossed his legs.

"You mentioned earlier a sense of doubt that the Garreth that paid us a visit wasn't him," Ominis waved his wand towards the silver kettle and began heating up its contents, before gazing back in my direction with undivided attention. I grasped the mug between my hands and began pulling at the string to unravel the suspicion that had begun to bloom in deep in my thoughts.

Garreth's POV- At the same time:

He isn't here, I've been wandering in circles trying to find him but there is no trace of any other creature living besides the centaurs and mooncalves I've encountered down the road. I continued treading down the labyrinth of looming trees, accepting the truth that if I did not find Sebastian it would be a much easier death to die in the forbidden forest rather than with the wand that I could no longer call my own. I couldn't allow Sebastian to return, though if he did, I must convince him without triggering the effects in my wand that he must never see her again.

Soft Hazy Blue ( Ominis Gaunt x MC )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora