Chapter Seven: The Falling Star's Melody

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The chirping of the Jobberknolls stirred me from the deep slumber I had been in. I smiled at the sound feeling blessed to be in such a lovely place to be able to hear them every morning since arriving here. I slowly rose from my bed and swung my feet onto the cold wood floor and elongated my body into a stretch with my arms raised to the skies as I let out a stiff yawn.

I rubbed my eyes as I walked over to the tall moss green curtains that blocked out the bright morning light and began to pull them open until I stiffened my hand midway from reaching the curtains, as something bright began blinding my eyes. I slowly pulled my left hand towards me as my right hand covered my mouth in shock.

I gazed at the stunning ring on my finger, overtaken by the emotions that rolled through me from just studying the lovely rock. The golden band was thin and delicate as it wrapped around my ring finger until it was cut off by an alluring gem that was cut into the shape of a mesmerizing, crystalized water bead. I stared at the timeless and tranquil ring on my finger when I began to feel a familiar ache in my chest.

I walked towards the washroom across the hall and started the water for the bath in preparation for work in order to distract myself from the feelings that were surfacing. As I waited for the water to acclimate to a pleasant temperature, I sat on the edge of the tub and continued to gaze at the ring reminiscing about the encounter we shared the night before.


"Ominis where are we going?" I questioned ecstatically matching the energy that Ominis was giving off as he took me to the back of the house in the middle of the night. Prior to settling in together the first night as 'newlyweds.

"I have to give you something as a way to seal our marriage with one another," Ominis grinned at me roguishly as he pulled me to the bench under the tree from where we first met once more after years apart.

"What, a kiss?" I teased as Ominis strolled towards the oak tree and gave me a profound gaze in my general direction as he grasped my hand and dragged me towards him. "Ominis I was joking, really, we don't have to really seal the marriage in such form," I whispered fearful that he was to take my harmless jabbering into truth.

"Stop your ridiculous notions," Ominis gazed up at the air in exasperation as he always did when irked by my constant vexing. "That's not the reason that I took you out in the middle of the night, I wanted to give you something special and I wanted to make this moment special. Even with our certain situation, you still deserve something."

Ominis then pulled me behind the tree and placed his finger to his lips to silence me. "I am not the best when it comes to viewing the beauty of nature around me but when I was growing up my Aunt Noctua would take me every few years out under a full moon and we would sit under the stars. She would tell me that things in nature do not always need to be seen to be cherished and treasured. That there is beauty in different mediums, and I had the special chance to be able to experience this world in a distinct way..." Ominis smiled into the night sky before continuing.

"One night, I believe the last summer I saw her before she had disappeared, she brought me out once again under the night sky and asked if I could make out a distinct noise, different from the others. At first, I couldn't hear a thing until she continued to question me to the extent that I believed that she was going crazy. Until I heard it. A slight whoosh of air that I faintly heard. It was the most beautiful sound that it had brought tears to my eyes hearing such a lovely melody." 

Ominis turned to face me as he grasped my left hand before continuing once more, "That was the first time I had ever realized that shooting stars had a sound from falling from the heavens towards the earth. When my Aunt realized that I had finally heard what she was expecting me to she placed something in my hand and closed her own hand around mine and whispered 'Gift this falling star to the one you always hear lovely melodies play'.

Ominis then walked up right next to me and leaned down to breathe in my ear "Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

I closed my eyes slowly and held out an outstretched hand as I fought down the itching urge to shiver from how close his breath was to my ear. I heard him shuffling around until everything was dead quiet, even the sounds of the insects chirping and the sound of the wind blowing ceased to exist. "Now..." Ominis breathed in my ear again "I want you to listen and tell me what you hear."

With my eyes still closed I gave him a raised eyebrow but did what he said and strained my ears for any sound but all that came back was the ringing sound of silence. "I ... I don't hear a thing?"

"Keep listening."

I nodded my head and squeezed my eyes tight to tune my ears more into hearing any sort of sound until I heard it... a soft jingle ... it was ... harmonious.

"I hear it!"

"Now open your eyes..." Ominis said hushed tone.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and gasped in amazement. There in the sky were millions of shooting stars that fell from the heavens blinking and jingling in a symphonic union.

"Ominis! Did you know about this-" I turned my head around to describe the scenery when I caught Ominis holding my left hand and sliding on a ring on my ring finger. Though that was not the only reason why words had escaped me. The light from the falling stars reflected off of Ominis' dirty blonde hair and caused him to genuinely glow a soft ethereal light all around him.

"Ominis ..." I staggered in finishing my sentence as he held onto my hand as my fingers wrapped around his.

"This was one of the last things my aunt gave me before..." Ominis cleared his throat before continuing "It was hers for when she was to marry and it was her prized possession.  Something that was not tainted from being passed down the line of Salazar Slytherin. Although in the end she never did marry, she gave it to me when I did. Now that I had ... I am giving it to you," Ominis beamed at me as placed a hand on top of mine and squeezed tightly in joy.

"Ominis, I can't have this... we're not really married-"

"No. We are married and this ring, it belongs to you, from me." Ominis slowly raised my hand towards his lips and gave it a gentle feather of a kiss before slowly lowering it back down.

" You sound just as beautiful as the falling stars from above, Y/N."

My face in the dark burned bright crimson at the realization of what he had done, he had kissed my hand, and... he called me beautiful... what is happening? 

"I think that's enough of a venture for today, let us finish watching the falling stars and head back home together."

I simply nodded my head with a disgruntled 'mhmm' as the confusion of the situation I had found myself in and my feeling towards Ominis continued to grow.


I finished getting dressed for work and made my way downstairs toward the kitchen, as I hurried to eat some breakfast, I realized I had not heard a sound from Ominis anywhere.

"Ominis?" I called out into the living room and out into the foyer but there was no response.

Did he leave for his classes today? I was hoping we could walk to work together but it seems he left before me.

Disheartened that I had missed him I began packing up and heading towards the front door when I heard muffled chatter.

I don't believe I expected anyone to come today. I hurriedly ran up the stairs and peeked out from the window in my room only to see that Ominis was still there and he was with someone else. I craned my neck to the side to try and catch a glimpse of who Ominis was speaking to until his mysterious companion turned his body away from the house.


I squinted my eyes only to see who it was I believed.

What is Garreth doing here?

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