Chapter 12: Night Raid vs the Tuffles (Part 1)

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The Tuffles Kyro & Lezo crash landed in a city hundreds of miles south of the capital, shocking the residents.

"Hmm, they call this place earth, I've seen worse." Kyro said.

"How about we say hello to the locals." Lezo suggested.

"Go ahead." Kyro permitted.

Lezo then unleashed his signature technique "Chaotic Collision" on the city completely destroying it and the people.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Those damn monsters!!" Chelsea said. Shielding her eyes from the unforgiving wind.

"Me personally, I think I held back." Lezo said nonchalantly.

"We probably should go after the person who killed Ryzer." Kyro said. "And of course if one of those Rongorongo books were somewhere in this vicinity our chances of finding them just went up in smoke because you wanted an introduction."
Kyro was now scowling at Lezo.

"Oh, sorry Kyro, I wasn't thinking." Lezo apologized.

"Forget about it, doesn't matter now." Kyro said brushing it off. "Let's scope the highest strength signal on this planet. Shouldn't be hard to find the one who killed Ryzer."

Kyro and Lezo began scoping out a high-power level to target.

"That's weird, why is so there so many strong power signals." Lezo said, slightly concerned.

"Take it easy, no reason to be spooked. Just find the highest signal and we'll go there." Kyro said.

"I got three strong signals in that direction." Lezo said.

"Let's move." Kyro said.

Kyro and Lezo began making their way towards Akame, Leone, & TJ.

At Path of Peace HQ:

"Are you sure we can't help them? Mez asked. Those Tuffle assholes are threats to us as well." Mez said.

"We can't help them, Mez." Sten said. " Tatsumi and Akame barely beat that one guy and on top of that Tatsumi died fighting him, and these two new guys are way stronger. There's no use."

"I would love to have a crack at them." Suzuka said.

"They'll crack you instead." Ibara retorted.

"So, they punish me hard? For being a bad girl? Oh, fuck yeah." Suzuka moaned at the thought of the pain she'd receive.

Both Ibarra and Sten just looked at each other completely dumbfounded.  

Mez just sat upset.

In the Spirit Realm:

Tatsumi was doing his damnedest to hurry to his friends.

With Kyro and Lezo:

"This planets gravity is mid as hell." Lezo said.

Night Raid began sensing Kyro and Lezo approaching at high speed.

"Here they come, and man they're moving fast." Lubbock said flying towards Akame, Leone & TJ.

"That's definitely them. And they are heading towards Akame and the others." Chelsea said.

"Get ready TJ." Leone said. "Here they come."

"Don't be scared we've all gotten stronger." Akame said.

"Right." TJ said.

"What the?" Akame said.

"Sup guys." Lubbock said.

"Jeez Lub." Leone said rolling her eyes. "Don't jump out like that."

"Oh sorry, I guess women can't resist the presence of Lubbock." Lubbock said in a cocky manner.

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