[ Knocked out ]

428 1 2

The two new squids appeared to be much friendlier than the agents, I gave them a small wave and they both waved back, smiling. I wonder if they're agents too. I guess I can trust these two.

Marina walked back to the agents, but pearl stayed with me, the squid sat next to me and started to go on and ramble about something, I had no clue what they were saying so I just sat there absolutely clueless. Pearl kept rambling but sounded like complete gibberish to me, literally. They was soon cut off by Agent 2, Im assuming that they told them to stop.

A2: "#####!"

P: "####?"

A1: "##### #### #####, #### ##!"

I stayed on the couch, Pearl got off and walked over to the agents and the tall squid, joining in their conversation. A few minutes passed, agent 3 and 8 walked up to me, agent 8 grabbed my shoulders, holding me in place so I couldn't move. I immediately start to sweat and panic, praying that they wouldn't shoot me with the ink again.

The other agents surrounded me, agent 3 was holding the plastic gun from earlier, I start to get paranoid instantly, but they never raised the gun up. Agent 8 snapped their fingers, making me turn to her and catching my attention. Agent 3 held their  gun up, but it wasn't pointing at me.

Before I could do anything, everything went black.

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