[ Containment with Squids ]

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Your POV

The ground is hard and cold, I begin to wake up, rubbing my eyes, stretching my legs and arms after. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the new surroundings, it takes me a second to realize the new place I'm in.

How did I get here?

I remained on the floor, sitting up and looking forward in the cell that I was trapped in. The other side was dark, everything was quiet. I was hoping that I was alone, these humanoid squids are freaky. I continue to think I was alone, feeling better and letting out a sigh of relief. After another moment of silence, a noise came out of the other side of the cell that I was in.

I'm not alone.

The noise sounded like the inklings, but more.. robotic.

(Sanitized octoling)

The sound began to multiply, there was more than one, and they were in the same cell as me. I can feel my heart sink, my back pressed against the wall in an attempt to get further away.

A green seaweed comes out of the dark, the another one appears. The robotic squid sounds get louder, I could see one crawling towards me. It slowly came out of the dark, standing up once it was out of the shadows.

The squid had large blue faded green tentacle hair, it was long and had suction cups like the 2 other squids I saw earlier. What the hell are they? The squid had glasses, a glowing red dot on one of the shades.

It looked down at me, continuing to make the weird robotic squid sounds, it stopped and crouched down, as if it was waiting for me to speak. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, I was completely terrified of this thing, it looks so much scarier than other squids I have seen.

It stepped closer, looking like it's about to attack me.

Will this hell ever end?

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