[ In and out the ink ]

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Your POV

I fell and reached the ground, but I didn't hit anything. I opened my eyes and looked around, there was nothing, I was surrounded by a dark blue color. I tried to swim up, but it felt like I was trapped in a small box. I took a moment to move my arms and legs around, it felt like water, but more thick and heavy. Was I inside one of those ink puddles? I wasn't burning. I quickly started to feel like I was drowning, making me panic and twist and turn trying to get out of the puddle.

Something dived in behind me, I whipped around and saw one of the Inklings in their squid-forms. It turned to get a better look at me, waving with one of it's tentacles and said something in their language. It held out a tentacle, which i'm assuming it wanted me to grab and hold onto. I grabbed onto on of the tentacles, it was fairly small, almost like a child's arm.

It said another word in their weird language, before diving out of the puddle. I gasped for air immediately, holding onto my chest that was covered by rubber overalls, the Inklings stared at me with slight worried looks on their face. The one with the large paint roller pulled me out of the puddle.

Did I just go into one of the ink puddles? Like the squids?

The one with the large katana weapon whipped my back with their weapon, splatting ink on my rubber scrubs, I immediately shouted in pain and turned around. It held out the two red drill-like weapons that I had got from the chest earlier.

I grabbed the two drills, putting my index fingers on the triggers, it shot out ink rapidly within a second, and to be honest, it kind of scared me a little.

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