fantasie 42 - first date

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Dinner? Tonight? Pick you up around 7? - El Elliot text to Olivia, tonight was their first date since they became a couple and Elliot had planned to take her to one of the most romantic restaurants in the whole of New York. He'd been past there a couple of times and always wanted to go on a date their but it had to be with Olivia. It was not the kind of restaurant that Kathy would like considering she wasn't even a large fan of going out in the first place but he knew it'd be the perfect place to take Olivia on their first date.
Are you asking me on a date Stabler? Sure I'd love to...What's the attire? - Liv The response read. There was a kind of banter between these two that was uncommon with any other partnership and Elliot was pretty sure it was all down to the fact that they had become best friends and knew how to joke around with each other way before they started to be romantically involved.
Well if I was, how would you feel about it? Great, just wear something nice. That shouldn't be too hard for someone like you Elliot responded smiling down at his phone. He was getting to take his girl out for dinner tonight and he simply couldn't wait. Elliot and Olivia were no longer partners now that they were together, it was simply the rules and they both agreed knowing that if they were an item then they were going to put each other above the job. Olivia was out on a case now, or at least she had been with Finn whilst Elliot and Munch were in the precinct working on paper work. He missed her sitting directly across from her and working together but it was alright considering that it meant he got her outside of work which was much better.

Elliot stood outside Olivia's apartment, he was in a nice but casual suit and was ready to take Olivia out for a lovely meal and maybe even a bit of a stroll. He knew she loved to walk the streets of New York in the cool air as it helped her think but tonight she hopefully wouldn't need to think but a stroll to help food digest might be a good idea. He knocked on the door and Olivia was quick to open the door afterwards, she looked beautiful in a blue dress that cut off just above the knees and her hair was nicely styled with pearl earrings to complement the dress. The Dress was tight around the chest but not so tight around the hips and legs - not that Elliot was checking her out or anything.
"Good Evening" Olivia greeted before Elliot smiled and leant in to place a kiss on her cheek.
"Hi, you look lovely" Elliot said and Olivia smiled before letting him in to grab her bag and keys.
"Thanks, you don't scrub up that badly either, Ready to go?" Olivia asked, she seemed very keen to get out there rather quickly.
"Sure" Elliot said before he took Olivia's arm in his and the pair got into the elevator and headed down, out of the building.

Conversation in the car to the restaurant was fairly light with conversations about Elliot's kids, the day and any other plans that came to mind. Elliot pulled up at the kerb outside the restaurant and rushed round to help Olivia out of the car but she had already got out. Elliot would find it hard to spoil her or be chivalrous towards Olivia when she was clearly so used to doing things by herself. Surprisingly he let her hold the door to the restaurant open for her, she had noticed what he was trying to do and wanted to prove that she did care about it and thought it was very touching.
"Table for Stabler" Elliot asked the waiter before the pair were escorted to a candle booth towards the back of the restaurant. It was weird to Olivia that there was booths in such a romantic restaurant but the layout complemented it. Elliot and Olivia sat opposite each other in the booth and the waiter handed them the menu before taking their drink orders and leaving the pair. Elliot reached out and placed his hand over Olivia's hand on the table, they weren't at work now and they didn't need to hide the displays of affection. Olivia jumped under his touch and looked up to Elliot with a raised eyebrow, almost questioning his touch.
"We're out in public Elliot" Olivia remarked.
"Yeah but we're not at work nor are we breaking any rules Liv. You're my girl and I want to hold your hand" Elliot said rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. Olivia wasn't used to public displays of affection, it wasn't something she had particularly done in any of her past relationships. But any relationship with Elliot was different to all the rest which was something she would have to get used to if this was going to work.
"On a first date and I'm already your girl? Well someone's keen" Olivia teased him and Elliot couldn't believe the sass she was giving him at the moment. However because of how long they had known each other it wasn't offensive as he knew what she was like.
"I'm trying to be sentimental and yet you keep blowing me off, how am I even supposed to show you that I love you" Elliot explained before Olivia just leant over the table and sealed his lips with hers. She never intended to hurt him with her sass but liked to mess with him when she can. However she was in love with him and she hoped that he knew it.
"I'm sorry, I was just messing with you. I love you too" Olivia said feeling a little bad about him being hurt of her messing with him.

The food was delicious and Olivia was so glad that Elliot had brought her to this restaurant for a first date. The atmosphere was perfect and the food was amazing and it really was a perfect venue for their first date. They'd been dating for about 2 weeks on the down low but this was their first date out because they'd been unable to find any other time with their work schedules. Elliot had moved around the booth to sit next to Olivia before desert, he wasn't having any but yet insisted on stealing some of hers. The couple had really fallen into their own groove with their hands intertwined under the table with Elliot's thumb just lightly grazing over Olivia's knuckles. There had been plenty of kissing and flirting throughout the dinner and Elliot was so happy that they were able to just enjoy each other's company like this. The first date with Kathy was not as calming as this was but then again they were so much younger when he and Kathy first got together and he'd not known her for as long as he's known Olivia now.
"You know, this is exactly how I'd hoped we'd be as a couple. In all the years I've known you, I'd hoped that if we were ever a couple then it would be simply like our friendship but with more hand holding and kissing" Elliot spoke up as Olivia looked up at him. He'd been very quiet the last little bit and she knew he'd been thinking.
"I never thought we'd get the chance to find out what being a couple was like. As much as it's sad to say, I'm glad you and Kathy ended because we have this now" Olivia explained, leaning up to kiss him again briefly. She didn't like to sound too cocky about the fact that Elliot had ended the last marriage as she hated divorce but she was happy with Elliot now and what they had was particularly special in more than one way.
"You don't have to feel bad about that, I'll always have a special place in my heart for Kathy. She gave me 5 beautiful children but what I have with you is even more special and I wouldn't change it for the world" Elliot explained looking down at Olivia. He loved her more than he had ever loved another girl in his entire life and he was so glad that she was his.

Elliot had seen Olivia stifle a yawn after they'd just been sitting enjoying each other's company at the booth for a bit. He knew that was a sign she was tired and he should take her home, they had work in the morning and he knew that she needed sleep to be able to function. He paid the bill, even though she protested and then escorted her back to the car with his hand on the small of her back, showing the world that she was his. When they got back to Olivia's apartment, Elliot escorted her back inside and up to her room. Although he knew he didn't have to, he wanted to end this date right and take Olivia back to her room like any other true gentleman would.
"I had a really nice time tonight, who knew you could pull off such an amazing date" Olivia smiled as they arrived at her door.
"There is a lot you clearly don't know about me then Liv. But I can tell you now there is plenty more where that date came from and I could only be honoured to show you them all" Elliot said before Liv looked away trying to hide the fact he was making her blush.
"Well if that's not intriguing then I don't know what is. But thank you for tonight baby I had a really nice evening with you" Olivia said leaning in to get another kiss goodnight.
"Sleep well and I'll pick you up in the morning?" Elliot asked before giving her one more kiss and letting her get inside.
"I'll see you then, I love you" Olivia smiled. She wasn't really one for saying it on a first date but this wasn't exactly a first date for them. They'd been going out for two weeks already and she had been in love with Elliot for so long.
"Sleep well my love, I love you" Elliot said before leaving her door step and walking down the hall. This had been a truly romantic first date and didn't even end with them in each other's pants, he'd simply escorted her home like any true gentleman and she would see him tomorrow.

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now