fantasie 46 - Undercover

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Undercover operations were not something that Elliot just jumped at the chance to do, at least not easily and not anymore. He'd been quick to take these opportunities when he was in his early years, particularly in SVU and with Olivia by his side. But now it was more the fact things had changed so much between then and now and he was more cautious about the undercover opportunities now. He didn't work at SVU anymore nor did he work with Olivia anymore but that was considering he was in a romantic relationship with her now. Olivia was even pregnant with his child and the pair were engaged but waiting till after the baby was born to get married as Olivia didn't want to be pregnant and fat on her wedding day. Elliot and Olivia had been in a relationship for nearly 4 years now and they were as close as anything, they were the perfect pair.
Elliot knew that Olivia didn't want him to go on the undercover operation but would never stop him from going. She was the kind of woman who would never get in the way of him doing something which he feels very passionate about or had a desperate want to do. That was something which Elliot would always love her for and something Kathy never did or considered.

Olivia was almost 5 months pregnant and by the time Elliot would be home from the undercover operation, she was sure to be over 6 months but still as radiant as ever. Pregnancy was good for Olivia and to Elliot he knew he was going to have a hard time away from her with how beautiful he was finding her now. Elliot hated how much he was going to miss in terms of her pregnancy in the 6 weeks which he would be undercover. But he knew that, because of how amazing Olivia was for him, she was going to document it and all the picture/scans she was scheduled to have, she would make sure that she got a copy especially for him to see when he got home. All of Elliot's children had offered to be there by Olivia's side for him at each of the scans, especially Maureen and Kathleen who really adored Olivia. Dickie had even given the offer to be there, as the eldest son of Elliot but there wasn't a lot that he or Lizzie could do being only 15 and not able to drive or anything. However, Elliot felt very touched to know that Olivia was going to be well looked after whilst he was away. The others in her squad had promised to look after her and protect her and their child like Elliot would want if he was there.

Olivia wasn't sure how she would cope with Elliot going undercover for 6 weeks and especially being pregnant. Elliot was a man whom was absolutely besotted with Olivia's pregnancy and Olivia in general. He was always present at each of her appointments and even had a sonogram of their child as his wallpaper on his phone. Olivia was the lock screen and his child's sonogram was the wallpaper on home screen of his phone, simply so both were always with him.
Olivia knew that there would be others around her who would be there to help her out whilst Elliot's away, particularly the numerous older Stabler children but it wouldn't be the same without Elliot. Olivia did promise to make sure she got copies of everything for Elliot when he got home. In a way whilst he wouldn't be there when she initially gets to see their child again, she would get to experience it all again when Elliot came home. But part of her still felt that it wouldn't be the same without him at the appointments by her side.

Olivia was not one to ever stop Elliot from doing something like this though, it was something Elliot was passionate about. Although she didn't know much about the case which Elliot was going undercover for, from what he had managed to do with the drug trafficking ring, something similar to what they had been involved in when Elliot worked in SVU. Olivia was mainly concerned about Elliot's safety and that he would come back to her, back to their unborn child and the rest of the family.

The day was a busy one for Olivia, not only was 'bump' as she and Elliot affectionately called their unborn child, a jumpy little one today. But she also had a tonne of paper work that needed to be completed whilst Rollins and Carisi were out getting a witness's statement for a case they were working on and Finn was out at his desk working on something. Olivia was really grateful that Finn was still in SVU and was her number 2 now. He had been there for about the same length of time now as Elliot had been before the precinct shooting and his departure from SVU. Elliot had even told her one of the reasons he was perfectly comfortable seeing her go to work every day was because he knew that Finn was there to protect her and now the baby too, the same way he would if he was there. Finn had been one of the first people who found out about the undercover operation and Elliot taking part when he had actually agreed to do so. This was simply for the fact that Elliot wanted to make sure that Olivia would be perfectly safe and protected at all times without him.

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now