fantasie 39 the dance in the rain

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'I remember when  Elliot asked me out for the first time."  I wiped away a few tears before continuing.
"I said no at first, but some how he changed my mind."
I smiled through my tears and looked down at my food,
“You know what? It's hard for me to talk about it so just give me a minute ”
I closed my eyes, and I felt like I was standing in the rain, I looked back up at my new partner .
“I remember the rain.”
I told him.
“But let’s start from the beginning.”

9 years earlier...

“Will you go out with me?”
Elliot asked, looking straight into my eyes.
I replied sternly.
“Did you hear what I just asked ?”
He asked, trying to act like I hadn’t said no already.
I replied in a bitchy tone.
“What did I ask?”
He asked.
“Will you go out with me?”
I repeated his words.
“Sure, I’ll pick you up later .” And he looked back down on his paperwork.

Five years later..

“Will you marry me?” Elliot got down on one knee.
“No.” I replied.
“Did you hear what I just asked?”
“Yes…” He cut me off.
“What did I just ask?”
“Will you marry me?”
“ yes ” He slid the ring on my finger, I just laughed.

3 years later..

“Do you want a baby?” He asked smiling, only this time I knew what he was going to do, so I replied with a very straight forward answer.
“No.” I told him.
“Did you hear what I just asked you ?”
I laughed. “Yes I did, Stabler, and I’m not repeating it.”
He kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear, “What did I just ask you ?"
“Do you want a baby?” I replied.
“Yes.” He replied.
A year later He gave me a healthy beautiful baby girl and we named her  Jamie Oliver Stabler

Two years later..

I was crying, my black eyeliner was running down my cheeks. He snuck up behind me and pecked me on the cheek, “Is this really what you want?” He asked, I could sense the pain in his voice. “Do you really want a divorce?”
“Yes.” I replied.
“Did you hear what I just asked?”
I perked up a bit, “Yes.” I replied.
He whispered in my ear, “What did I just ask you?”
“Do you really want a divorce?”
“No.” He replied, “I love you more than anything”

5 months later..

It was an overcast day, the clouds looked like they were about to cry, I just stood there, waiting for him to come say goodbye before leavin for a dangerous undercover job outside NY . I had drove out into an empty parking lot, I heard he was leaving for this job a few weeks ago and now I was here , waiting for him to show. I watched his car as it drove into the parking lot, i got out and he got out his car  and ran up to me, squeezing me into a hug. “I was so worried.” He whispered, kissing my head.
“I don’t want you to go.Elliot ” I started crying.
“Hey, look at me.” He pulled my chin up so I was looking him straight in the eyes. “I’ll be back soon, when the sky is blue , I’ll be back then, for you and our baby girl I promise”
“ be carful I’ll miss you.” I pulled him into a hug. “When the sky is blue.” I cried into him.
“Dance with me?”
“I don’t think so.” I replied.
“Did you hear what I just said?” He asked.
“Yes.” I replied, wiping my tears.
“What did I just say.”
“Dance with me?”
“I’d love to.” He took my hand and led me to middle of the parking lot and he spun me around as rain began to fall. “Our rain dance.” He said.


“He always said he wanted to be cremated and spread over the big, beautiful ocean, he said he felt happy there, but he also said he would be back when the sky was blue again.” I looked up at the white sky and just stared at the clouds for a moment, I opened the container that held his ashes. And as I rain across the beach, dumping his ashes, I felt the rain start to fall from the sky. “Our rain dance.” I said, smiling, “When the sky is blue.” I heard him reply. Suddenly I couldn’t feel his presence anymore. “Goodbye, Elliot .” I whispered. The next morning when I looked out the window I saw that the sky was the prettiest shade of blue. I smiled. “I love you.” I told the sky.
“No you don’t.” I heard somebody reply, I turned around and Brian was standing in front of me.
“Did you hear what I just said?” I asked.
“Yeah.” He replied.
“What did I say?”
“I love you.” He dropped his kyes  and opened his arms up, I ran into them.
“I love you too.”

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now