fantasie 4

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it's been 3 years since Elliot left and Olivia have finally got her life back together, she is happy and loving  life again. she excepted the fact that Elliot was gone and he wasn't coming back.

Today is a another normal Friday night and Olivia was home with  paperwork when suddenly she hears  knocking  on the door.

she opens the door and the peron standing there was the one she last expected it would be

Elliot- hey

Olivia -.....Elliot? what are you doing here 

Elliot - i came to see you 

Olivia - no you didn´t 

Elliot - Kathy left me 

Olivia - and ?

Elliot - im sorry 

Olivia -  i don´t think you are and it's gonna take more then sorry to fix this.

Elliot - what i did was wrong and if i could i would take it back. 

Olivia- but you can´t 

Elliot - but....

Olivia - no ! no but´s , nothing you say will chang the fact that you left and nothing will bring back the time you were gone. you were gone for THREE years , everyday i was wondering where you were. what you are doing, and suddenly you are showing up at my door and expecting me to forgive you and pretend everything is fine. im sorry but  that´s not gonna happen.

Elliot - come on Liv... we are best friends

Olivia - no we were best friends, i thought i knew you Elliot,, the peron who wouldn´t just leave like that, without a reason. what happend to you? 

Elliot - i..i don´t know , i really don´t... you know  what maybe coming here  was a mistake 

Olivia -you know  i want to know who knew my biggest mistake was trusting you,i didn´t know until now but now it´s to late.... i regret i ever met you !

Elliot - then why do you keep this (he held up a foto of them that was taken six years ago)

Olivia - i keep it, just to remember who you were 

Elliot - ..... i..m sorry

Olivia - for what?

Elliot - for leaving

Olivia - that wasn´t the hard part, the hard part was when you came back. 

Elliot - i missed you 

Olivia - i did too

Elliot - i don´t wanna lose you again you are to important 

Olivia - you know how much i wish that was true

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now