fantasie 47 - New Arrival

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Two tiny blue eyes, full of wonder and amazement stare up into the world, looking especially at larger brown eyes. The owner of the tiny blue eyes, suckles lightly on a breast, hand splayed out flat, ensuring never to lose the source of food. Olivia stared down at her precious new little bundle as he ate, overcome with an immense feeling of joy and love for such a special little boy. Olivia could not believe that she had finally been given the chance to become a proper mother and that she finally, at the age of 45 had a child of her own flesh and blood. Archer Joseph Stabler, born almost 8 hours ago and meant the entire world to his family on his arrival. It was just under a week out form Christmas, yet Olivia felt like she had already received the best present in the world and didn't need anything else. Archer was her little boy and she could not love him more than she already did.

Olivia softly stroked the little boy's cheeks as he looked up into her eyes and continued to drink, she was just so in love with her son. Elliot had magically made it back to her in time to be there for Archer's birth and Olivia was grateful that he had been able to be there, she never wanted him to miss his son's birth. However, he had since gone home to share the news with his other children and pick the kids up to meet their new brother. Out of all the Stabler children, Eli was the most excited about Archer and how that Olivia having a son meant that he wouldn't be the youngest anymore. Although he was only 5, he could now have someone to play with and teach things, like his older siblings had done for him. Olivia already knew, from the time that she spent with Eli when she was pregnant, that he was going to be the best big brother to Archer and her little boy was so incredibly lucky to have him.
"Are you ready to see all your big brothers and sisters?" Olivia asked softly as she smiled down to Archer. She knew that he would never say something back to her, though talking to her son was important as he needed to hear her voice to calm him.
"I know it may seem scary at first, with all these new people but you'll come to love it and I'll be here the entire time. I promise you. They are all going to love you though and I know that you're going to come to love them too" Olivia continued, thinking about how almost all the stabler children had been excited for a new baby, well except for Richard. Although, Elliot was sure that his eldest son would come around to the idea eventually.

Everyone from the precinct and even Don Cragen were going to come by the hospital tomorrow and meet the newest arrival. However, they weren't coming today to provide a chance for just family to be with Archer and get acquainted, they would all get their turn tomorrow. The day after that, it was highly likely would be the day that Olivia and Archer were going to be able to go home. They just had to stay in for a couple of days to be under observation and ensure that they were both happy and healthy after there had been a couple of complications for Olivia during the birth.

Olivia remembered the slightly scared face on Elliot right after Archer was born and the doctor wheeled Olivia away to surgery to fix up the additional tearing she'd experienced in labour. He had been so worried that something was wrong with her and that he was going to lose the mother of his new son, particularly as her pregnancy was more high risk with the older age. However, Olivia had told him several times before she left the room that she would be perfectly fine and that she wasn't going anywhere away from him, at least not without strong discussion.
"Your daddy and I love you so very much Archie and we are going to spend forever and a day telling you" Olivia said as she fixed herself up after Archer was finished nursing. She hoisted him up in her lap to burp him, the exact way that she had been taught, though she knew that it wouldn't take long before he would be asleep. Olivia was glad that he would be asleep soon as it meant that she could freshen up a little before everyone arrived and look more presentable rather than a lady who'd just been through a long labour. It also meant that Archer would likely be more awake when the family arrived and they would properly be able to meet him.

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