fantasie 45 - Date Night In

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They were always busy, they had different work schedules and unless they made set plans or a time they really hardly saw each other. The main time was generally when Olivia was called in for computer or something technology wise involved in a case. If not then, it was generally if they set a date that wasn't cancelled or Olivia stopped by SVU for any reason. Elliot was over it though, he'd not been able to go on a date with Olivia or even get any real time with her in over 2 months because of the work load Elliot had. Not to mention the fact he was trying to juggle Eli in with that as well, mind you Olivia was pretty good at looking after Eli when Elliot had to work. There were so many times Elliot was called into work and Olivia would be left in charge of entertaining Eli for the day – they did all kinds of fun and exciting things together, Elliot was slightly jealous of that at times. Tonight, Elliot had specifically made sure that after closing a particular case, he wouldn't get called into work and he knew she wouldn't, Olivia doesn't pull those really long hours anymore so she has more free time than he does.

"Who's up for drinks at the pub down the street? We closed a tough case now it's time to relax" Nick said walking back into the squad room after helping transport the recent perp to central booking. Nick Amaro was a fairly new detective to the squad, he wasn't Elliot's partner but they have worked together a couple of times and he was always impressed when they did work together. Sure Nick wasn't as good as Olivia but he would get close in a while besides Elliot couldn't work with Olivia considering they were now romantically involved.
"Yeah I'm in, El? You should invite Liv too" Finn stated, Elliot knew that any other night he would be up for that, even Olivia would be to catch up with everyone. But tonight they were simply going to have a night alone, they were going to have a home date night at Olivia's place. Elliot was going to stop on the way over to grab some wine and chocolates for the movie night they had been planning.
"Sorry, we've got plans. We'll be there next time though" Elliot declined the offer, if he called Olivia or went for one drink they would simply never leave.
"You two got something heated planned?" Finn pushed, he didn't really want to know but he did like teasing Elliot in a way about their relationship.
"No. But I've hardly seen her these past couple of months. You guys have fun tonight, don't party too hard" Elliot smirked before grabbing his coat before making his way out and heading to Olivia's.

Olivia was by the stove when she heard the front door open, she was almost finished preparing dinner for her and Elliot. She knew he would be home soon as they had closed a big case earlier today and he would actually be able to come home to her tonight. She was glad that they could have a night in together considering she'd really missed spending a decent amount of time with him recently because when he wasn't working she was and vice versa.
"Something smells amazing in here" Elliot greeted as he placed his coat on the hook and walked over to place the wine in the fridge. Olivia wasn't the best cook in the world but she knew how to make a nice meal when required.
"Well it's almost done, how was your day? Close the case I see?"
"Yep, trial starts on Monday and so we got the night off. I was thinking we a movie night, we've not really had any time together lately and I miss that" Elliot explained as he kissed Olivia. She was glad to have him home, rather than having to deliver dinner to him at the precinct or simply only cook for herself. There were numerous times where she would prepare a meal for the both of them and he would be stuck at work but then again that was what life was like at SVU and they both knew that.
"Now I like the sound of that, seeing as you're home, can you go set the table for dinner" Olivia said and Elliot was happy to oblige. Whilst things with Kathy weren't exactly the best the majority of the time, his relationship with Olivia was the centre of Elliot's world. She was the woman of his dreams and one day he hoped that she would say yes to marry him but considering they hadn't even been in a relationship for a year yet, it was a bit quick to propose.

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