fantasie 3

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Elliot is back after being gone for 3 years and he hopes that its not to late to tell Olivia about his feelings. Kathy left him one year ago.

he was driving  his way to her when he sees her with Biran at a bar down the street. she looks happy. 

Elliot ( thinking) why did i leave you? what did i do? why did i make this stupid choice? why? i had no time to tell you i love you, i left without saying goodbye, without  letting you know how i feel. and now you are happy with him and im here all alone with my feelings and guilt. 

in the bar 

Olivia - (thinking) i´m here pretending to be happy with someone i don´t  even love , he is sweet, but i just don´t feel "it" there is just one man i loved, love and always will love, he was my best friend,but he left and  i had to do something to hide my feelings. maybe i should have told him how i feel. God im stupid! i guess it´s to late now.

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now