fantasie 27

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Today is one of those days where everything just goes downhill. The day will start off fantastic but then one person just comes in and ruins it, causing a chain reaction of bad things. 

Now Olivia is not that  person who will go home  sit and cry about how bad she have it because there is those who don’t even have a home or even a family to talk to. she  just goes home, change into comfortable clothes, and either sleep the stress off or cuddle with her boyfriend.

Elliot, her boyfriend, can usually tell when she is having a bad day. He’d hold her and then makes her favorite food for her. at the end the day he’d give her  a massage He’d either do her shoulders, feet, back, or he’d do all. He’s that boyfriend who’d do anything to make his girl feel happy.

Today, she was really hoping he’d be that kind like always. she just wanted to hold him and have him whisper soothing things.

she desperately searched for her house key in the bundle of keys and key chains that were all together. As soon as she found it, she jammed it into the keyhole and turned it. Taking the key out as soon as she heard the lock turn, she swung the door open and walked into the warm house. she put  her keys in abowl on the counter along with Elliot´s keys, and then putting her purse and phone next to it.

Elliot and Olivia have been living together for over a year now. 

"Elliot?!" she call out, getting no response. she sighed and walked up the stairs and towards their bedroom.

she opened the door while rubbing her eyes. “ baby, I had a bad day a-” her eyes regained focus and what she saw shocked her Elliot lay on top of Kathy, naked.

"Liv… I-" He spoke but she held up her hand cutting him off. 

"Don’t need to say anything." she fake smiled and grabbed a duffle bag, shoving a pair of underwear, a bra, two shirts, and two sweatpants into the bag.

" Liv please lis-" He tried again but she wasn’t going to have it.

With that she turned around and slapped him. “You know, Elliot, if you wannted to go back to your wife you could have told me. You didn´t have to go behind my back and cheat ! ” she spoke loud and clear.

He held his red cheek as she spoke, his eyes starting to well up with tears. 

"Liv I do want to be with you, bu-" 

"For how long has this been going on?" she asked lowly, zipping up the bag. 

"2 weeks…" Kathy spoke softly. 

Olivia  turned to look at her. " i can´t win with you can i ,?" " no ,just face it Liv he will always belong to me  " 

she sighed and turned back to her bag she grabbed the bag and started walking back towards the door. 

"Liv wait!" Elliot yelled after her.

she ignored him, going towards her car keys and quickly grabbed them along with her phone and purse. 

" Liv please listen to me!" Elliot pleaded. 

she  turned around  biting her lip, trying not to let her tears fall out. “ Elliot, we were together for a year ,we  bought this apartment together i thought finally i found my happines , how could you sleep with your x- wife  in our bed?”  she said.

He stood their speechless 

" i´ll come tomorrow for the rest of my stuff " she said before walking out the door.

like it?  Do you want a continuation on this story ? please comment and like :))) oh and check out my Olivia/Elliot videos on youtube :))

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now