fantasie 35 (sad)

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Olivia and Elliot were so excited about their wedding . it´s only two days left before the big day. Olivia was standing infron of the mirrow in the bedroom trying on her wedding dress. she couldn´t believe she was gonna marry the man of her dreams and her bestfriend of 10 years. in only 2 days she will become Olivia Stabler...

the weeding day.....

Alex was helping Olivia geting ready " are you nervous ?" " you think i would be , but im not , im so happy i can´t wait to start my life with him" Alex smiled as Olivia turnd around " you look like a princess "  " i feel like one too "   they walked out the house and saw a white limousine decorated with flowers it was send by Elliot.  

Olivia arrived to church and everyone was already there.....everyone except Elliot. " where is he ?" she turned and looked at Cragen , who by the way was giving her away . " i´ll call him " he said and took out his phone .  " where are you ? " " tell Liv i´ll be there in 5 "  he hang up the phone " he said he will be here in 5 "  

half and hour later and still no sign of Elliot , now Olivia was nervous and scared , she tries to call him herself this time but no answar.  her eyes began to fill with tears.  

suddenly she gets a phone call from an unknown number " Olivia Benson ? " " yeah it´s me " she answard nervously " im calling from the hospital, there´s been an accident.." before the woman could finished the sentence Olivia dropped the phone.  

Olivia rushed to the hospital in her white gown , she saw him laying there in his suit , handsome as always and the machine was breathing for him. tears were streaming down her face.  she walked in and and sit down next to him holding his hand and cried putting her head down.  she cried like that for about an hour until she heard a strange sound she looked up and saw that it was the machine that was coupled to his heart stoped working " no , no  , no!" she yelled " doctor , i need a doctor ! " she screamed running out the room .  

three doctors came and try to wake him, Olivia just tood there watch as the love of her life was fighting for his life.  45 minutes later one doctor came out and looke at her " im sorry .." " no " " we did everything we could " " no! " Olivia yelled through her tears , " i´ll give you a few minutes alone " the doctor said before walking away. Olivia walked over to the side of the bed and touched gently Elliot´s face , she couldn´t stop crying. then she noticed something sticking out of his pocket , she slowly reached for it , it was pease of paper " his vows " she breath out.  she starts to read " we´ve been partners and bestfriends for 10 years and today you will become my wife , i love you with all my heart and i will love you until the day i die .  i promise you im gonna  do everything to keep that smile on your face , i will give you everything you want and everything you´ll ever wanted ... a family . "  

the same minute she was done reading a doctor came in " it´s time " he said quaietly , Olivia didn´t wanna leave the room , she cried holding the vows in her hand, while watching the doctors undress Elliot , suddenly they stopped " there is something i think you want to see " the doctor said and moved aside. Olivia couldn´t believe her eyes. Elliot had a tattoo on his chest above his heart , it was a face .... Olivia´s face. 

We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go  ,I've always got the memories I know I'll miss you but we'll meet again someday We'll never fade away ....

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Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson fantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now