fantasie 44 - Subway Attack

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Elliot and Olivia were at the subway station, working on a train track death case. This usually wasn't special Victim Department as it was more a Homicide but for some reason there had had been a suggestion of sexual assault at the station with another victim and so Liv and Elliot had been called in. Elliot was taking one side of the line and Liv was on the other side but he wasn't comfortable leaving her like this because he couldn't protect her. But in typical Olivia fashion she had simply told him "she was fine and she knew how to care for herself". Elliot always made sure to look over and make sure that he could see Olivia at all times so if something happened he could get to her quickly.
Olivia knew that Elliot was constantly checking on her from the other side of the station, he never liked being more than a couple of feet away from her. Olivia was grateful for such a protective partner but sometimes she did wish that he would back off a little because she liked to have independence. He also made it hard to conceal feelings for when he was right beside or behind her in everything she did, especially on the job.

However it was only when he was looking back briefly to check that Olivia was still there as a train arrived on her side of the line, he saw the perp with Olivia against the wall and she was squirming under his touch. As the perp was a rather large guy Olivia was struggling to get the guy off her, she was tough but not that tough. Elliot excused himself and sprinted over to her before flinging the guy off his partner and punching him in the face.
"Touch her again and you'll regret it" Elliot said, anger obvious in his voice before he threw the perp up against another side of the pole and placed the handcuffs on him.
"You ok?" Elliot called and Olivia nodded before fixing her clothing. This case would have to wait as right now Elliot needed to get Olivia out of the station and get this perp to the precinct to be locked up where he belonged. Once they were up on Main Street Elliot called for a bus to make sure that he'd not caused too much damage to this perp before getting the perp behind bars whilst he made sure that Olivia was ok.

Olivia was shaken up, she was usually so good at looking after herself but today clearly she'd let her guard down. However what she was really reprimanding herself over at the moment was for the fact she couldn't get herself out from under his arm whilst he tried to get in her pants. She was getting weak and clearly that needed to change because if she couldn't get herself out of a situation then why was she even putting herself on the front line with SVU. The ride back to the precinct was silent and even though Elliot tried to get her to talk but she wouldn't…even to him. They pulled up to the precinct and Elliot tried to help Olivia but she wouldn't talk, she just walked into the precinct and into Cragen's office. Elliot knew if she was in there then should would talk to him as the two people in the whole precinct he knew that she would talk to if something was wrong were him and Cragen.

"Liv, you're not to blame here. He jumped you and you weren't to know" Cragen tried to calm Olivia down. She wouldn't talk to Elliot but knew that she could talk things over with Cragen, he was like the father she never had and he would always be there for her.
"If I had let my guard down and before I knew it, he was pinning me to the wall. I should have been on my a-game and this wouldn't have happened. Captain I don't think SVU's for me anymore"
"Come on Liv, you and I both know that's rubbish. You have to be one of the best detectives in the whole precinct, you and Elliot are the closest partnership I've ever seen and he got the man off you before he could do anything right?" Cragen asked and Olivia nodded, Elliot had her back and came to the rescue just like he promised that he always would. Cragen knew they each had the other's back all the time and although he didn't approve of it, he also knew they were closer than any other partnership he's ever had.
"Listen, this has clearly shaken you up a bit as it should have. But I think you need the rest of the day off, just get Elliot or someone to give you a ride home and just relax a bit – he didn't touch you and you're ok" Cragen said but Olivia didn't want to go home, she knew better than to go home when there was still stuff to be done around the place.
"No captain im ok, I think I just need an hour or so to get my head back together. I might just go enrol in some self defense classes though" Olivia said and cragen nodded, he knew that Olivia was ok she was just going to need to calm down a little bit first and get herself back together before he could task her and Elliot on something again.

Once Olivia had left the office, Elliot came walking in and cragen knew it was because he wanted to make sure that his partner was ok.
"I got there as fast as I could, one minute she was fine then next he was on top of her and I simply had to get him off her" Elliot tried to explain himself but Don just shook his head, Elliot didn't need to explain himself, Don knew that Elliot would have done everything he could have to get to her as soon as he could have. But clearly at the moment with the distressed look on his face, the detective felt like he was at fault here.
"I know you did, you're not at fault here. She's fine, just a little shaken up and is gonna take an hour or so to get her head together. So do you have paper work to do or should I assign you to partner with someone else for now?" Don asked and Elliot shook his head, whilst Olivia was here then he was going to be here.
"I'm got stuff to do and I wanna be around for her anyway. Partners don't walk away from each other" Elliot said before excusing himself back to his desk. He had paper work to do sure, but he wasn't going to do it because right now he knew that Olivia probably needed him more. Besides the fact they were supposed to be working on the paper work together considering it was both their cases.

Olivia sat on the edge of one of the bunkers with her head in her hands, she was a mess right now. The perp who was already locked up until he'd properly been dealt with had really done a number with her. She'd never felt more vulnerable than she did in the moment when he was pinning her against the wall and trying to get her pants down. Olivia didn't even understand why it had been her that was the target in the first place because she didn't know the man. She was angry at herself and she was angry that she had let herself get so weak but right now she didn't want to be anywhere else from work. Being here meant she could be near the people who mean the most to her, including the one man who held her heart without even knowing he did. The one man who had pulled the perp off her today and protected her, Elliot Stabler.
Elliot walked into the door to the bunker room and saw Olivia with her head in her hands, he knew she'd be there because that was the only place in the precinct where no-one would walk in and ask questions. But she was perfectly safe and no-one was going to let her get hurt because they had to go through the precinct to get to her. Elliot never said a word, he knew she didn't want to talk but he sat down next to her just to let her know that he was there if she decided she did want to talk to him. However Olivia just looked up and collapsed in a pile of tears against his chest. Elliot was here, he knew how to hold her with the most comfort and although she knew it was completely inappropriate for her to be held like this right now she was only wanting to be held by him right now. The pair didn't talk, Elliot just held her for a good 20 minutes and placed a couple of sly kisses on her head which he wouldn't think she'd notice – she did though.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be such a mess" Olivia said once she'd finally got her emotions under control.
"You don't have to apologise Liv, it's me and I get it. Today was hard on you, I only wish he'd never touched you but we can get him on assault" Elliot explained still keeping a protective hand behind Liv, even though she didn't notice.
"I didn't even see him till he was on top of me. I feel so weak cause I couldn't get him off, how can I be a police officer if I can't get someone off me in situations like that"
"Ok so you need a bit of strengthening up after that, we can fix that but you're a great police officer and partner so don't doubt yourself" Elliot explained and Liv smiled up at him before the pair agreed that it was time they should get back to work otherwise people will really start to worry. One thing was for sure, he wasn't going to let another man touch his partner, regardless of the context – she was his partner, he would always protect her.

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