Talk about sweet 16

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"Aubrey, this makes the second time in three months. I'm very dissapointed in you." Mrs.Whitman says with a sad look on her face.

"Well it seems you're not the first ma'am." She doesn't know that I really do try though.

My life has been a tough one ever since my mother died and my father abandoned me. He said I was just to much work and that he's already having a child with his new girlfriend and doesn't want to hold onto the past but instead think about the future. But of course that future did not involve me at all and he made that very clear when he put me into a foster home.

My mother died of breast cancer just last year and my only living relative was my dad who wanted nothing whatsoever to do with my mom or me. But sadly he was still my father and I was forced to live with him. But as you can see he didn't like that idea either so now I'm here waiting for another random family to take me in. This would make the fourth one I have been within the length of a year."You can't keep moving from family to family. It would be nice if you just found one that you liked and that liked you and just stayed there. Try to get along with them and bond. You're to caged in, eventually you have to let loose and just give in."

"You don't tell me what I can and can't do. have a good day." Those were my last words before I up and left. I wasn't putting up with her shit today especially if she thought she had any right on telling me how to live my own life.

I walk back to my room to check my phone. It read '1 NEW MESSAGE' I opened it expecting it to be from my friend Sarah. The only reason why I put up with her for so long and actually got along with her is because she doesn't talk. When she does she just talks about simple stuff. So I opened the message but I didn't recognize the number. But then I opened the text and saw that It was from my teacher. She sent out these texts every once in a while noting to people that if they forget there home work any more times then they get detention hall. This is nothing new for me so I just erase the text and start walking to my mailbox which was mixed in with everyone else's. On my way there I just thought about how nice D-hall sounded.

Just doing nothing all day but sit and stare. I do that in any class if I have detention or not. But at least they don't yell at you though for doing that in detention. But it's not like there are any teachers there to tell you what to do anyways. Most of the time they are in the teachers lounge having a 'meeting' with the principal. I mean I could understand why. He's not such a bad looking guy. But I have still seen a lot better.

I go to the average highschool. One with cliques and of course what highschool would not have a bad boy??? There wouldn't be any point in having school then because it would be to boring.

But like I said. There are cliques. And if you are in the 'nobody' category then you won't be bothered. That's why I try to keep my guard up at all times so no one notices me. But if you're to much of a nobody you stick out like a sore thumb and get picked on by all the populars. Somehow I can maintain a place right in between. That's how me and Sarah found each other. since the first day I came to this school we have been friends cause we just understand each other. Silence is the best thing this chick can give to me.

I text her and ask her to pick me up for school since of course I don't have a car. She replies nearly instantly and says 'OK c u soon hun :)' She calls me that quite often and I'm starting to wonder about her... Just kidding. I know it's just a nickname.

I get ready for school quickly and am out the font door in 15 minutes. As I'm waiting for her I see someone I would have never expected to be pulling up in front of my house. I wonder what the asshole wants...


Sorry if you guys don't approve of this story so far. Its the very first one I have ever written on here and I would be damned if anyone judged it by the first part. this book gets pretty intense as we go along. Just saying. Cuz I like that kind of stuff and I ain't afraid to admit it.


- Tori

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