(Chapter Twenty-Six)

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God I hate this place. A little bit of possible rain and people run like pussys. I missed guitar lessons cuz of possible rain... -_- how stupid...

Song for this chapter is 'She's a Rebel' by Green day. Billy Jo Armstrong is sexy...

Read on...


Aubrey's POV:

We hear the sirens in the distance, still not stopping. I'm enjoying the adrenaline rush I get from the chase, I'm just wondering why we aren't pulling over...

"Why aren't we pulling over?" I question Mrs.Taylor, trying to hear my voice over the rushing winds. Sarah just sits in the back, gripping the sides so tight her knuckles turn white. I address her, "You okay back there, Hun?" I say with a smirk on my face. She just slightly nods her head with her eyes wide as saucers.

"We don't have to!" Mrs.Taylor responds then continues, "Once they see who it is they'll back off. They're part of the pack! Plus the chase is fun." She exclaims then quickly glances at me and smiles.

"What?" I question her look.

"Oh, nothing sweetheart." Hmmm... I don't quite believe her but I'm willing to put it off for now. I just want some fun.

"Are we there yet? I'm kind of on a tight schedule." I whined like a little kid. I haven't acted like this in forever... A child I mean. And it feels good surprisingly.

"Just around the corner, about two minutes away. Might I ask... Why did you need to get here in such a rush?" She looks warily at me, probably expecting me to blow up in her face like I usually do. But not this time. She deserves to know after all she's done for me.

I glance over at her and she has a very curious look on her face so I start to explain. "It's my mate." I start and her eyes go wide and fill with unanswered questions, but she doesn't say anything, but instead let's me continue. "He doesn't want me. Well... He says he does but his actions say different. He's always with other girls and always downgrading me in front of his friends and others. I hate him so much... But... I don't know. I guess it's not that I hate him as much as it's just me hating the forced feelings I have towards him. Before I found out we were mates I liked him, every girl did. But he's gotten worse and I don't want to go through something like this again. I'm tired of people changing... I just think I should reject him. But every time I talk to him while were away from school, we always end up..." I trail off with my face turning red. I was totally just about to spill my guts to both of them about what Jason and I do when were together. I don't think I even want to relive that right now...

When have I ever spoken to anyone about something so personal? I don't even remember the last time I got into such detail about something so stupid.

I mean mates? Really? This should be simple. If I don't want him then I just hurry and reject him, right? I mean, I've given him one too many chances and he just threw them back in my face.

I was just a pawn in his little game with shay. He probably just used me like that to make her jealous, then he could swoop in and be the big bad alpha with his perfect charm and get to have makeup sex with her. Just thinking about it makes me sick. And angry. Very, very angry. How could he even let her touch him like that knowing who his mate is? He should want me. And ONLY me!


Though, I don't blame him... I wouldn't want me either. Someone so broken and used...

I don't blame him...

"Aubrelana? Are you okay? I asked you something sweetheart..." I hear Mrs.Taylor and fell silent tears running down my face. God, I'm pathetic...

"Hm? Oh no, I'm perfectly fine. Just fine. What did you ask?"

By now we were at the mall. My mood has died down a bit but that doesn't mean I've changed my mind.

"What does going to the mall have to do with your mate?"

"Oh. Easy. Wardrobe change." A mischevious smile crosses my face as I continue. "Just showing him what he can't have." I smirk and get out if the car, shoulders back, as I strut to the front door of the mall. It's scary how fast my mood changes...

"Oh? And what about his happening before. How is this happening again? What were you talking about?" I stop in my tracks. I let that slip, huh? Oops. So I give a brief undetailed answer.

"My father kind of went crazy... I had to leave and that's why I was alone and at an orphanage. No one knew except for the lady working at it."

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. Sounds rough." She's got a look in her eyes that seem like she knows more. And I look over to see Sarah with a scowl on her face. What's go in on here? It seems they know what I'm talking about. Though, I've never said anything to Sarah about my dad. She's never asked me about it. And I've always had my mind blocked from anyone in the pack... I'm so confused.

"Who's your mate?" I hear Sarah suddenly ask. Oh that's right. I never did tell her Jason was my mate. Not even his mom knows! Wait, but I just said everything about us to them. I don't want Sarah or Jason's mom killing him if they find out.

If Jason cares about me at all then everyone will find out tomorrow. If he doesn't care about the outfit well then fuck it. I'm rejecting him tomorrow. Unless he can make a big ass comeback I'm definitely reacting him. I hope he feels everything I felt from his mental and verbal abuse. I can't have a mate that hates me.

"You will find out who he is tomorrow. Depending on If I reject him or not..." I trail off. They just nod their heads in understanding as we walk into the first store.

Well... let payback begin.


I'm so sorry this was late guys. I've had testing and was busy all weekend. Its just a filler update and I didn't like it but it was the best I could do at the moment this chapter is dedicated to Artemis_G Cuz the comments make me smile haha

Go read chapter 12 comments. I laugh my ass off every time hahahahaha!!!

Anyone good at making covers??? I need some help...

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns!!! And my rainbow baby pegasus!!!


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