(Chapter Ten)

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I'll be going back and forth between POV's. It makes most sense that way to me... I lose myself in my own book sometimes...


Aubrey's POV<3:

"Sarah, get your ass over here right now. This is important..." I'm not sure what else to say as I shut my phone, hoping she will get the voicemail soon. Oh, wait!!! Shit she doesn't know where I am!!!

I dial her number again but this time it goes straight to voicemail instead of ringing. Hmm... weird...

I only have a few hours to get ready and I don't even have Sarah here to help me. So to start out with I just go into my bathroom(I get my own bathroom, I know right. How cool!!!) and take the first actual hot shower I've had since I don't know when.

I turn the knobs to a comfortable temperature and pull the switch that turns the shower head on. The water feels so good as it runs down my hair, back, and lower body. It's so relaxing that it actually starts to loosen my aching muscles. Well this is a new feeling, I never knew a shower could make you feel like this...

I start humming my favorite bands music and even start dancing a little. I'm already having a good time and I've been here for a little less than an hour. I'm really going to like it here.

I sort of just stand there for a while but eventually take the cherry smelling body wash and totally just empty the entire bottle on me because it smells so good. They'll just buy me more. I know they will.

The shampoo is shay butter with coconut scent and I wonder how many other exotic scents there are of shampoo. Out of all the things going on right now and the only thing I can think about is shampoo... woww... I'm just special... exotic flavors of shampoo at that. hmm...

Before I get out of the shower I shave my legs and armpits making sure everything is silky smooth. Tomorrow is my birthday and it won't hurt to try to look a little nice tonight so I don't sway anyone's judgment tomorrow. Not that I'm going to find my mate tomorrow anyways. most people don't find their mates till they get older I heard. So I most likely won't find mine... I'm so optimistic right??? Note the sarcasm...

I step out of the shower to see a change of clothes sitting on the toilet. Who put that there??? I don't remember anyone coming in... so much for having enhanced wolf senses when I'm too weak to use them.

I put on the dress and see that its my favorite shade of blue and has a built in corset that is a bit low cut in my opinion. The corset ends at my hips and then streams out into a beautiful wave of  blue all the way down to the floor.

I just hope I don't trip and fall in this stupid thing... I think to myself.

I grab and put on the black heels that were sitting on the floor beside the bath tub. They have black sparkles covering them all over and are about 4 or 5 inches tall. I've never worn heels, or a nice dress for that matter, and suddenly they're trying form me into some barbie doll when I have experience with none of anything that's going on??? These people must be out of their minds if they think I can be perfect for this. Hell I can't even walk right when I'm wearing normal clothes and shoes. I just can't do it...

I'm starting to think about just running from here. Then I stop and think. That's what I do with everything, just brush it aside and run. But I have got to stop this. I have to prove that I can do this. Everyone's been babying me instead of trusting me and letting me choose things for myself. It's my life so I make the decisions, not other people who are practically strangers.

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