(Chapter Twelve)

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Hope nobodies got a hangover today. Last night was epic for some people but not for me. I didn't even watch the ball drop. Just watched Man of Steel with my brother. That was my new years eve fun haha. Anyways drink a lot of water and don't throw up on your cats or goldfish. Read on my baby unicorns!!!


Jason's POV<3:

"Jason??? Where's Aubrelana??? You were supposed to bring her out with you. Is she alright???" I get hammered with questions from my mom right when I walk over to the fountain. The service will be held outside, right here and she will have to drink water from the fountain. It's some sacred shit or whatever. Everybody had to at some point in time.

"Yeah, she's fine. Calm your shit." I probably shouldn't have said that to her but this is Aubrey were talking about. She's mine to worry about. Nobody else's, including my mom.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that young man. What's gotten into you lately??? You've been acting up like never before. Please, tell me what's wrong sweety." I have to tell her. I don't know who I can trust but I have to tell someone. I have to ask her if this is possible, finding your mate before they are both sixteen.

"Nothing. But mom, I have to ask you something. Well, tell you something. It's Aubrey... She's my mate..."

I'm not sure how mom will react. I mean... will she believe me??? Will she un-adopt Aubrey because of it??? Can she even do that once she's a part of the pack??? I can't tell from the look on her face.

"Sweetheart, you don't know what your talking about. That's impossible to tell. She's not even sixteen yet!!! What makes you think you guys are mates???" Does she really question us being mates??? She should be happy for me.

"I just know. All of the signs are there. Well except for the whole tingling of the skin when we touch. I can feel my wolf calling out to hers already. He wants her, he wants to help her and I'm positive its not just because I'm an Alpha and like helping people. And you said that the mate bond is stronger when it comes to Alphas. What if ours is so strong that we can already tell??? Because I know for a fact that we are to be mates tomorrow when she turns sixteen. And yo-" She cuts me off before I can finish.

"You mean she hasn't felt any of this??? You haven't talked to her about you claiming her before she even becomes of age??? She has a say in this and if she doesn't think you two are mates and that you haven't convinced her you are then you are not her mate. We will find out tomorrow just be patient. But I highly doubt it. You'd better give this girl some space for now or you will have to pay the consequences. You are the future alpha so you need to start acting like one. Right now. The ceremony is about to start. We will talk after."

"I can't, I was planning on talking to Aubrey afterwards."

"Too bad. Sorry to spoil your plans but this matter isn't settled. You could ruin that girls life from this little theory of yours. Now go!!!" She gets on my fucking nerves sometimes. Who is she to tell me that I can't speak to my mate!!! Nobody tells me what to do. I am next Alpha for this pack and I will not take orders from anyone except for my father. But when it comes to my mate even he doesn't qualify for that.

I go take a seat in one of the hundreds of chairs set out for the pack members during the ceremony. I sit all the way in the front closes to the fountain and where she will be standing. She might call it suffocating but I call it protection. I still don't know who was I her room earlier and I don't want any mishaps to go down during the ceremony. I won't hesitate to kill anyone that touches her other than mom, dad, and I.

People start filling in the chairs and eventually everyone is here. Aubrey, mom, and dad are standing at the front. I never noticed her dress before but I'm sure as hell glad I didn't until now. I have a feeling that if I wasn't day dreaming earlier like a fucking pansy then I would have jumped her fucking bones. I would've forced her to change earlier. The dress is to fucking sexy and very very tempting. I've never noticed this before because she wears such baggy clothes all the time, but she has extremely gorgeous curves. Finally, a girl with something nice to hold onto while I'm slamming into her... Fucking shit I got to get my mind off of her body. I mean honestly, I'm about to get a fucking hard-on over here.

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