(Chapter Thirty)

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oksooo... updated a little faster than ususal and im hoping very good results because of it *insert super duper big smiley cheezing face* ok so I was going to say something but i totally forgot... oh well haha love you guys!!!

song for the chapter iiiissss... lets see...HummingbirdbyAlexClaire
Aubrey's POV:
As I bound into the kitchen I see that Mrs.Taylor has made breakfast. An array of eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, yogurt, and potatoes cover the tabletop. my stomach gives a growl of approval right as I realize just how hungry I am and how little I've eaten in the past day or two.

"Eat up. Theres apparently somethiing important going on at school today." Mrs.Taylor says with confusion evident on her face. "At least that's what Jason said... Do you know what's going on?" She asks while lowering her voice.

"No. Why?"

"I don't know. Jason just seemed a little weird about it is all..."

*Do you think it has anything to do with us?* My wolf wimpers at me.

'Probably not...' I trail off when I hear her wimpers get louder. I feel bad for her. She's never done anything to deserve a mate like Jason and his wolf...

I sit down and fill my plate as Jason finally comes down the stairs. I turn to look at him just to see his piercing, lustfilled, angry eyes staring at me from across the kitchen. I can tell he's fighting his wolf just by seeing how much he's fidgeting, holding himself back from whatever he feels like doin, because he knows it will be a mistake.

"Problem?" I question him with my eyebrow raised to emphesize the word.

"No." He says through his teeth Short and sweet answers don't fly with me when it comes to torturing him.

"So what's going on today at school then, big shot?"

"Nothing if you don't..." He pauses. "You know what, just forget it..." This leaves me curious as he just walks out to the garage.

"What's his problem?" I se Mrs.Taylor has moved to be by my side while wiping her hands on a towel, just finishing dishes.

"Who knows..." I mumble as I finish my food, standing up to get to school. No way am I driving with Jason again. I almost jumped on him and attacked him right then and there. Now that our bond is stronger I don't think either of us would be able to keep our hands to ourselves. But... this could also be the perfect opportunity to continue my plan, to make it even greater. I grin evilly and walk out towards the garage.

"Jase?" I speak up as I walk out and see him leaning against a blue lamborghini.

"Jase?" He questions my nickname for him as his head snaps over to me and lust starts to fill his eyes.

"Yup... Why are you just standing out here?" I ask while I slowly inch closer to him.

"I was going. To. Ask.You a... question... Can you please back up a bit?" He says panting a little. Now i'm about two feet away, so it's understandable that he asked me that, even though it did hurt a little. I guess he just doesn't want to be rude about saying he doesn't want me. But that doesn't change the effect the mate bond has on him. I've been keeping my cool so far, but I don't know how much longer I can hold out for.

"What was the question then, Jase?" I whisper while putting my arms on either side of his torso, leaning against the car. He grabs my hips and pulls me flush against him. I try not to feel his member pressing against my core but I fail epically, causing 'dirty' images to go through my head.

"I was just w-wondering... Can I r-ride you- I mean... c-can I drive you- drive... Fuck!" His  hands tighten around my waist and his breath hitches in his throat. He leans down and takes a deep breathe of my scent, trying to calm himself down, though I doubt it does much to help. His eyes scrunch shut and he grits his teeth. "Can you just get into the car so I can give you a ride to school? Please, baby girl?" Well that sure help me with this plan... note the sarcasim.

'Whatever. Sure." I push him out of the way and I hear him growl a little. Why? I'm not sure...

I climb into the car and buckle up as he's rounding around the front to go the driver side. I'm soooo driving this car one day. The leather interior smells amazing, not to meantion its gorgeous!

He hops in and once again his breath hitches. Theres so much sexual tension in this car, i'm glad the school is only a short drive away. He pulls out of the garage and starts the journey to school. This will be one long ride...

I just can't comprehend why he offered (or attempted to offer) me a ride... I can't dwell on that now though. Instead, I focus on the task at hand... Payback.


Ok that was so short im so sorry... i just... i dont even know. things couldnt be more fucked up... but im not going to rant. cuz if i start i wont stop and some will get mad... anyways. the next chapter will be up sometime either this weekend or early next week. ill have more time to write since today was our last day of school. I love you guys!!!

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns, my rainbow baby pegasus, and my poneycorn!!!


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