(Chapter Eight)

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A comfortable silence fills the car on our way back to the pack house. Under any other circumstances it would be uncomfortable but we just so happened to be driving along a shoreline. The beach is beautiful and I can't help but feel that these people are graced with it's beauty near their homes. Appearances really matter when it comes to werewolves I guess. I was hardly paying any attention to Mrs.Taylor that when she asked me a question I had to ask her to say it again."Pardon???" Thank God she's such a nice woman or I probably would've been getting yelled at right now if it was anyone else. High-Ranking werewolves don't take disrespect very well...

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your middle name??? It wasn't on the paperwork... So I thought you might want to tell me..." Why is she acting like the shy one??? She's not the one who has to be trapped in a car with a fucking Luna from the BlackMoon pack just waiting for her 'warm welcome' that she just knooowwsss is going to greet her at the front door right when she gets there. Yea, psshhh, like that's going to happen. Note the sarcasm...

And why does she need to know my middle name anyways??? I've never told it to anyone and I don't plan on it anytime soon. It's my moms name... My dad changed it to that after she died and he was still in his grieving state... Before he... you know... gave me away. Whenever he called for me or was even just talking to me he would call me her name. He was an extremely messed up man I guess... not that I didn't already know this. Hell I knew this when he first started beating me and screaming at me saying I left him. He was referring to my mom of course but sadly enough I don't think he knew that. That just makes it all the more worse.

"That's none of your concern at the moment." Too mean??? I'm trying to keep these emotions all bottled up that I have about my parents just like I've been doing for the past 10 years or so. It's just a bit hard because I'm not used to actually talking about them with other people. Sarah's never brought up my parents and neither has anyone else really. Not one person. Well, I mean if you count what Jason said the other day then one person has brought them up. But how did he even know??? No one knows except for Sarah and the girls... Neither of them would tell him would they??? Just remembering him saying those things to me, god, they send chills down my spine. That was some of the worst pain I have felt in quite a while. I'm not even sure why it literally hurt. He was just talking to me but it felt like damage was done even deeper inside of me. Something's extremely wrong with this picture. And I plan on finding out why.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me. There's just been so much stress at home. I was just trying to make small talk, don't be offended." I can't help but feel a little bad. This woman has been nothing but kind and I'm already biting her head off. I wonder what she thinks of me. She probably thinking about taking me back right now, already regretting her decision. Doing what every other person does when they meet me. I should be used to it by now but all the other people have been mean and fake. I've had a few friends over the years but they all ditched me when they found out I was an orphan. But this woman seems genuinely kind and so I want her to accept me and I don't want to act like a total dick to her even with me knowing who her son really is.

Just thinking about seeing Jason everyday in and out of school gets my stomach in knots. Does he hate me??? Will he hate me when I move in??? I don't know what he has against me but whatever it is I want to fix it. I don't think I'll be able to live with a person that makes fun of me and despises me. Things wouldn't exactly go well...

So from here on out I'm going to try to be nice to him. And make sure his family doesn't hate me seeing as that technically I'm still a rogue. For once in my life I think I'm actually scared of what is to happen when I walk out of this care at their pack house.

I remember the Luna has said something to me so I mumble a short, "Sorry", then look back out the window at the gorgeous scenery.

Looking at it all makes it feel so impossible. Out of everything messed up in the world and you actually find something perfect to just sit and tare at, not believing it's actually there. Kind of like a mate so I've heard. Mates are that other half that you could only dream about. Your soul mate. From what I've hears they make you feel complete and loved; without them you'd be better just be living a life in complete hell. Mates are the constant in people lives. They are perfect for each other and no power, force, or anything else in the world could ever change that.

But this is only what I've heard about them. Do I believe it??? No. All of this is impossible especially for a person like me. A person that nothing goes right for. Should I believe it??? Absolutely. Every werewolf has one somewhere in the world even if they never find him or her. But, even if I did find my mate he would probably reject me. It's not like I want whoever it is to reject me but that's just how it is with me. Everybody rejects me, mate or not, except for Sarah and this woman sitting beside me who I'm supposed to be convinced is my new mommy... no.

I extremely want to ask Mrs.Taylor what it's like for her to have a mate. Does he love her and hold her when she's sad??? Does she feel incomplete without him near her??? Does she think I would ever have that chance???

I have the feeling that I think and worry too much because when I refocus on reality we are pulling down a gravel road that's about a mile long that's surrounded by woods. I mean beautiful green forests everywhere... The we pull up to an opening that's even more beautiful than the forest. There's practically a mansion right in front of me. This must be the pack house. I don't remember ours ever being this big whatsoever...

Then, all of a sudden giant fucking dudes come running out of the house and from the windows. What in the actual fuck is going on???!!! I jump out of the car and they seem to be running straight for... me...

I'm so scared out of my mind I can't even move, then a sudden impact hits me and turns out it's from all of the guys dog piling on me!!! I mean for gods sake really!!! Is this necessary???!!! I find it quite comforting though... They are all screaming 'welcome home' at me... And I already feel welcomed.

Then one of the guys backs off and says,"Come on guys give the girl some room, she just got here. Be useful for once and help take her stuff up to her room." And then all the guys charge for the car. Damn...

I turn back to this guy in front of me and just stare. He's shirtless and not too bad looking either. He's built like a fucking building and he smirks because he knows it."Never seen a warrior before or what. 'Cuz ur staring a bit at the moment. My names Tarrence by the way. I have to go now but maybe we could hang out some time. You seem a bit in a daze at the moment. See ya!!!'" He calls then runs back to the house. I can tell me and him will get along. Maybe even be friends...

I look to the front door, and guess who's standing there??? You guessed it, Jason Taylor. He's standing there with a scowl on his face and let me tell you, if looks could kill i'd be dead...

He turns around and storms back into the house and I suddenly hear a crashing sound, so Jason Taylor has anger issues huh??? This is going to be a scary time...


chapter 8 was a bit longer i think. So should I do longer updates and only update once a week or shorter updates but on every other day??? I don't know which one 2 do.

Anyways, picture on the side of the Pack house. Beautiful huh???

Comment/Vote and all that jazz please???!!!

-Tori <3<3<3

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