(Chapter Eleven)

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Jammin' to System of a Down. I love music <3 I plan on being a singer when I get older ^_^ happy reading!!! {(*_*)}


Aubrey's POV<3:

He kissed me!!! He fucking kissed me!!!



Me... What the fuck!!! I can't even think straight!!! It's like when he kissed me... I was taken out of the dark. Of course I didn't want him to kiss me but... I can't help but want to do it again. His lips felt like heaven and hell. Fire and ice. I want more.

I mentally slap myself. Remember how horrible he is to us Aubrey. He's made my life a living hell and a little kiss won't get me over it. I don't want to get over it, I don't want to forgive him. He deserves everything that I could do to him. I will never forgive that asshole. No matter how sexy, handsome, or tasty he is. Yes, tasty... He tasted oh so good...


I'm to the bottom of the stairs now where Mrs.Taylor said she'd meet me in 5 minutes but she's not here. I look at one of the many clocks and it has only been two minutes. Wow it seems like its been longer.

It felt like the kiss took forever, like time slowed down when our lips touched.

I really have to get over Jason Taylor. I mean really, its not like I like him but I find myself thinking about him constantly and that won't be a good thing considering I might find my mate tomorrow. He really needs to learn to leave me alone. He's gonna get hit one of these days... oh wait I already did that. I just hope it works this time.

Right when it's been five minutes Mrs.Taylor arrives at the top of the stairs... along with Jason Taylor... with an ice pack on his face... oops...

Mrs.Taylors about to talk and I don't feel like getting yelled at for bruising her son so I beat her to it. Not that I want to apologize to him; he deserved it. And of course he would go running to mommy and daddy. They're his royal fucking protection. I bet he can't even fight all that well..

"I'm sorry... about your... you know... face..." Way to sound like a bitch Aubrey. Whatever. He could use some toughening up.

He's about to talk but Mrs.Taylor speaks up, "Why are you sorry sweety??? He just tripped and fell. As usual..." When she says the last part she looks at him with some emotion I can't put my finger on.

Wait. Tripped??? He didn't tell her that I did it??? He might be more of a man than I thought. And he apparently 'trips' often??? I've never seen him trip. Not once.

"Yeah, please don't be sorry Aubrey." Did he just say my name??? I've never heard him say my name before, but it sounded like fucking sex coming out of his mouth. Dammit Aubrey!!! Shut up mind!!!

But not only did he say my name, but he said please too. Please and my name all in one sentence. He can be a good boy around his parents I see. I'll have to change that then. Show them who he really is.

Just leave him alone for gods sake!!!

What in the actual fuck??? Who the hell is in my head??? Then it hits me, I'm a werewolf. That was my wolf... She hasn't talked to me in forever. Her voice is so foreign now, she hasn't talked to me in so long so why talk to me just now???

(Wolf uses these: *...*)

(Aubrey these: "...")

*Your thoughts arevery overwhelming. And so are Xavier's. He won't keep away from me. I haven't been out so for so long that I've grown weak. I cat handle everything anymore. please let me out. I'll be gone soon if you don't. I could die. And so could you...*

"Out as in me changing into my wolf form??? I can't right now. I will after the ceremony. I'm still a rouge though. They have permission to kill me. After the ceremony I promise. Ummm, and who is Xavier???"

*Okay. You'll find out soon enough...*

And then she was gone. We could both die if she doesn't change soon. How does that work??? I haven't changed in so long I don't severe member how to do it. I'll ask someone after the ceremony, well, because I don't necessarily want to die yet. I'm not to that point yet. Yet.

Mrs.Taylor explains how the ceremony's going to go down. It's hard to concentrate on her with Jason Taylor standing less than three feet away the entire time. Dumb boy.

But I did catch the part where she said something about a blood oath. And let me tell u she must be out of her fucking mind. I don't do well with blood, never have and never will. The last time I saw blood I passed out and fell into some water. Well I guess I'll be fine if I just don't look at it.

"We will cut each of your fingertips along with the Alphas. Then you are to both press your fingers together while you recite what will bind you to the pack officially. This is the final and most important step, you couldn't possibly mess it up. I'll be looking forward to joining you to our pack sweetheart." On that note she turns and walks towards the direction in which I'm assuming the ceremony will be held.

So now its just me... and Jason Taylor... alone... again. I swear that son of a bitch does this on purpose...


Jason's POV<3:

"I'm so sorry I keep doing this to you baby girl. You don't deserve it, but I don't regret kissing you earlier. I love you already and I know that you can feel it to; the pull towards each other. It's there and you know it. You know we will be mates and I know I've been terrible to you but please accept me. I love you..."

"I love you to. It may be hard to forgive you but I want you to stay with me. Fight through all the rough spots." She walks towards me, reaches up, and plants a kiss on my lips. A kiss full of want, need, and love.


"Hello??? I'm talking to you." I'm pulled out of my impossible day-dream by the beautiful girls voice. I'm about to break down into tears when I realize nothing like that would ever happen. No matter how much I want it to. I haven't cried since my sister died. Even then, no one saw me. So I turn away and stalk towards the door leading outside before she sees.

She's probably wondering why I ignored her and just walked away. I feel awful for leaving her confused and alone, not knowing where to go but she can't see me cry, even if she is my mate. She would tell everyone and that would ruin shit at school. I know, I need to get my ego out of my ass but I just can't. I'm all about power and respect. I need people to look up to me, its my whole purpose in life.

I'll come back after I cool down, well make that after the ceremony. I need to explain everything to her then. Maybe her scent will calm me down. Once she joins the pack she won't smell like a rouge.

Every werewolf has their own special smell and I cant wait to find out what hers is. I just know she will be mine. I'm an Alpha which makes the mate bond stronger, but I've never heard about an Alpha being able to know who their mate was before they were both sixteen. But I do know one thing for sure. I wouldn't want my mate to be anyone else.


Did I already say what her scent was in another chapter??? I don't think so... anyways...

Happy new years guys and gals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2014 wow. so close. I haven't even thought of a new years resolution yet... any ideas???!!!

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns!!!


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