(Chapter Seven)

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So I told my brother that I was writing a book and people could comment on it and vote and he asked me how many i had so i told him. He then said that wasn't many so i told him over 300 people were reading it so i guess it really wasn't that much and he freaked out and said thats a whole fucking lot of people lol and i said not really compared to other books that have millions of reads on them lol im suprised he didn't choke on his noodles i made him... Anyways back to the book...


Coming out of the dream world, I find that I want to be back in it. For, it was the same dream, and ending at the exact same time. I'm not sure why, but I find myself wanting the dream to continue... I silently scold myself and climb out of the warmth of the bed instantly wanting to be back in the warmth of the covers. I am fearful of what is to happen today but knowing I must face up to it and not back down I press the button on the side of the bed that Mrs.Whitman instructed me to do earlier this morning.

 It seems to take forever, but eventually I hear somebody unlock the door and it clicks open. Standing there is a woman I have never seen before along with Mrs.Whitman. Before I get a good chance to observe and look over the woman silent tears start staining her captivating features. I can already tell shes beautiful and for some reason it pains me to see her cry.

All of a sudden she grabs me and pulls me into a breathtaking hug. In a way I find it extremely comforting... hmm strange...

Then Mrs.Whitman speaks and clears up any suspicion that I've had when she says,"Aubrey, this is Mrs.Taylor... Luna of the Blackmoon Pack. Your new mom..." Mrs.Taylor just starts to cry harder and I can't help but feel sorry for her. But i know i'm wanted. Or else she wouldn't be crying into my shoulder right now trying to convince herself that I am her new daughter. And you know what, it feels extremely good to finally be wanted again...

But I know it wouldn't last that long seeing as that people eventually either get bored of me, already hate me, or will learn to hate me. I'm just THAT person... I guess...

When she finally lets go I fut on by best fake smile and say,"It's really nice to finally meet you." This is already the hardest thing to do in the world and I haven't even left the room yet. Wait, I haven't left the room... why is this woman already here??? I have just gotten out of bed for christ sakes!!! I still need to pack all my things up and gt dressed and... wait, get dressed??? Who in the heck changed me last night!!! I look down and see that i'm wearing pajamas so someone would have had to have seen me naked... Oh, please god, no... that's too embarrasing, even for me!!!

In the midst of me freaking out in my mind, Mrs.Taylor is just rambling on about my new room and everyone in the house and how it's just going to be oh, so fun!!! Not...

Not to mention she brings up her son."Aubrelana, was it??? Such a beautiful name. You must know my son correct??? He goes to your school, his names Jason???"

"Yes, ma'am I know your son Jason."

"Good because if you ever need anything his room is right across from yours in the pack house. But if I were you I wouldn't bother him too much because he is a boy all about studying and practicing to become alpha. He's such an angel that boy..." Oh, come on!!! I call B.S. woman!!! You clearly don't know your son... I want to say this to her so bad but she just looks so hopeful, and I don't want to ruin things for her. The only things I caught before that was about my bedroom in the pack house. I honestly really don't want to live there. I'd definitely get made fun of for being their charity case and it frightens me what people are going to think about me.

I mean, I know I shouldn't care what anybody thinks about me but i'm sorry if I can't help my feelings...

So I just put on a fake smile and say,"That sounds nice, thank you for letting me come into your home. But can this all happen later. I'm so sorry but I just woke up and I haven't even gotten showered or packed any of my items yet. So can I mee you at the door to eave at say... around 5??? Sorry for making you wait and all."

"No dear, it's fine. Take all the time you need. I will be waiting for you at 5." She's a very kind heart and has the warmest smile i've ever seen. I'm actually glad it as her to adopt me instead of some synical evil woman... I just don't want to face the alpha and his son yet. But if her husband is anything like she is it will soften the blow that is known as Jason Taylor. I cant help but wonder how he is going to react and it scares me to no end but I think I might actually be able to live through this.

We exchange awkward but quick goodbyes and I go upstairs to gather all of my things that I will need. Here's the list:



*Five pairs of jeans.

*Five shirts.

*Five pairs of socks and underwear.


*A couple books.

*And hector(my stuffed blue bunny)

That's all I pack because that's all I have. Whenever I do save up to get something nice the girls always steal it. So I don't have much at all. They haven't taken Hector because they don't know I have him. He's been my best friend since I was little and i'm embarrassed to have him because he's for little kids. But I can't find it in me to throw him away.

I pull out my last pair of jeans, a shirt, underwear, socks, and my hoodie and go to take a shower. I guess the only thing I will really miss about this place is the shower. The body wash is cherry scented and sparkly and the shampoo and conditioner is pinã colada scented. And let me tell you, the combination is like sex up your nose. Not that I've ever had sex though... obviously.

I dry myself off and get dressed and pull my air up into a ponytail. I don't do anything with my hair most of the time but I find myself wanting to look good today for some reason. And I look way better with my hair up anyways, trust me.

I pack all my stuff up into the tiny suitcase that I have and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing...

I walk down the stairs and into the hallway leading directly to the door. It's 5 minutes till 5 and she's already standing there. It wont hurt to be early I guess.

I approach them and say a quick hello."You look beautiful Aubrelana. I guess cleaning up did help. Anyways, ready to go???!!!" She looks so excited and preppy. It's making me nauseous...

"Ummm, thanks I guess. And yea i'm ready..." I mumble.

"The girls wanted to say goodbye." Says Mrs.Whitman. I honestly don't care woman!!! Can we just leave now!!! Everything always has to be so frustrating!!!Anyways, the girls all come down to say their goodbyes, most of which were rude mumbles under their breaths about how unfair it is that I get to be with Jason Taylor, but the last one came and hugged me, and whispered in my ear saying how she will have to come over sometime and 'meet' Jason. Dear God.

Mrs.Whitman says she will miss me... yea right... Now were on our way out the door and when I see the car I nearly faint. It's a black '69 dodge challenger... beautiful...

What she says next is music to my ears. "This car is going to be yours once you get your drivers licence if you really like it that much."

Oh, yes ma'am please. I can already tell this is going to be a good thing for me... I flash her my best smile and vigorously nod my head up and down. Yes, yes, yes, this shall be amazing...


This chapter was a bit longer than others I think so please enjoy. It was really just a filler sort of so don't hate me if it's bad. Enjoy!!!

Picture of the Luna to the side.(New mom)

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- Tori <3<3<3

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