(Chapter Thirty-Two)

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OK so read authors note at end please. I ask each and every one of you to forgive me for not updating in forever. I feel awful about it. if you guys are still with me then I am SO greatful and I love you all!!!
Song for this chapter is 'Remembering Sunday' By All Time Low.
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Sam's POV:

I can't believe this, its really her. This is actually my Aubrey? She different looking, but I'd know that beautiful face from anywhere! I've missed her so much and I've been praying for so long to find her again.

I haven't seem Aubrey in years! Sure, I was absolutely looking, but somehow I thought she wouldn't want to see me again. I was afraid something would happen to her and she would blame me since I left her with that horrible man she called a father.

I regret it all now, knowing the full circumstances, but at the time I ought leaving would provide Aubrey enough protection to get the hell out of there since all attention was focused on me. Big mistake, I now realize it was stupid of me to leave her. She was in even more danger, and god only knows what happened to her after I left.

Though, I'm not that naive anymore. Becoming a rogue has showed me the true dangers of the world, which impacted my life tremendously. I was right to get out of that place, I just should've taken Aubrey with me...

I can tell by the way her eyes light up when she sees me that she does remember me, she just doesn't remember what I did to her.

My heart swells with joy when she stands up in front of the whole class and runs full speed at me, tackling me in a huge hug. One thing is for sure. I really missed my little sister.

Aubrey's POV:

Once you get past the disgusting lingering rogue scent, he smells the exact same.


How could I forget about Sam? He played a big part in my life when we were still with our father. Sam was the only one who could calm our dad down. The only one who could take him in a fight. Sam was my saviour...

He was the next in line Alpha of our pack after dad retired, but he never got there. He just disappeared all of a sudden, no one knowing where he was. And if they did, they didn't tell me. I noticed how he only came home certain nights, less and less days every week. Then he just stopped coming back all together. I remember having thought the worst, that he was dead. My father took this as an open opportunity, becoming the beginning of the abuse.

I hadn't hated Sam for what happened, mostly because I thought he was dead. But that's besides the point. No, I didn't hate him because I knew he loved me, and I knew he would only leave me with our father if something was terribly wrong. I forgive him, I'd like somewhat of an explanation though. You know, to put me at ease...

I pull back from the hug seconds later. "Sam? Wh-" I try to start questioning but he cuts me off by putting his finger up to my lips.

"Hush and go sit down. We will talk tomorrow." He smiles at me, leaving me confused.

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