(Chapter Twenty-Two)

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Ok so if you want chapters dedicated to you just say so and depending on what you comment I will decide my peeplings!!! Okie dokie so I'm really trying here with the punctuation. I hope you know how hard it is for me ;) I'll start assigning songs to my chapters so look out for that and if you don't know the song then please go look it up because it's most likely a great song since I like it :D

This chapters song is Comatose by Skillet!!!

Read on...


Aubrey's POV:

I wake up to a dark room with a magnificent smell surrounding me. But the funny thing is, I don't remember falling asleep. Like, at all...

"Aubrey? Are you awake baby girl?" I hear a voice smooth as silk ring through my head and a shiver runs right through me all the way down... There. I'm too tired to comprehend who's it was so I curl my body into something warm by my side and enjoy the firm but hard feeling of whatever it is. But suddenly it tenses and my eyes dart open not expecting whatever it was to move. Well... Whoever it was.

I hear a groan then the voice again, "Aubrey, baby, please stop moving. Your killing me here." By now my eyes have adjusted to the dim lighting so I look up to see who the hell I'm in bed with and why I don't remember getting here.

I examine my position a bit more and see that I'm practically on top of this person. My head and right arm are on their torso while my right leg is draped over their upper thigh. Each one of their arms is wrapped around my upper torso and I absentmindedly nuzzle closer to them, wanting every available inch to be covered in their warmth and addicting smell.

After about a minute of just being content with where I am I finally look to see who the hell is here. Hoping my suspicions don't rein true I lift my head and hesitate a second before I jump ten feet back from the bed. All of my body ached to be back in the embrace of him but in my mind I was scolding myself and staying right where I was. Just staring at his handsome face.

"Jason." This is the only thing I say, for I am at a loss of words at the moment. His eyes are enchanting and I see his muscles visibly tense at the sound of me saying his name. My voice sounds a little husky even to me and I hate myself for it.

Then the rage hits me like a truck in the face nearly knocking me over. Why the hell are we in a bed together?! What happened to Tarrence?! And why in all that is holy does he continue to call me baby girl?! He's like my fucking father, why can't he just stop...

"Why am I in here?" I ask him curiously and dangerously low. The last thing I remember is being with Tarrence... Which im not anymore so I want oto know what in the actual fuck happened.

"I'll explain everything but please just dont interrupt me. I'm not in the greatest of moods." I nod my head slightly to show him thay I understand, then he continues, "You pretty much just panicked. I got ome from the bar and-"

"Why were you ate th-" He gives me an agitated look so I snap my mouth shut, anticipating what he's going to say.

"Anyways," he cotinues, "I had just gotten back from the bar and when I walked in I could immediately tell something was up. I go into the kitchen to make some coffee since it was the morning and I saw you laying on the kitchen floor. Dont be mad for this next part, but I did what any drunk mate would do... Sort of went on a rampage... I ran into the living room to find Tarrence because I knew you two have something going on.." He trails off and a pained look crosses his face. I almost go over to him to try and soothe him, but then realize that he doesnt deserve it. He doesnt deserve any sympathy at all. "He was just sitting there watching T.V, being totally obliviou sto the fact that you could be dead." Rage starts to fill his voice. "Iasked him what the hell is going on and he looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about. I yanked him off the couch and drug him to the kitchen and asked him that again, letting my alpha tone leak in a bit. On accident of course, please dont be mad. He just shrugged it off like it was no big deal and i lost it. Don't worry, I kept it a secret that you were my mate. I may or may not have beat the living shit out of him." I give him a pointed look but he just sits there with a satisfied look on his face. It seems he's been wanting to do this for a while now... hmm. I let him continue. "I finally let him go and picked you up and carried you up here. This is my room. I would've put you in yours but... as soon as I set you on your bed you whimpered and whispered my name so I picked you up again and you clung on for dear life it seemed. So just one day, I thought. Just for one day I could pretend that you loved me and we could act lke true mates... that love eachother..." He trails off again and i'm honestly about to start bawling.

I asked for him. I wasnt awake and I was thinking about him? That's not supposed to happen. I'm supposed to hate him. All he's ever done was ruin my life, so why should I be hinking about him even when i'm passed out. And the fact that he cared enough about me to stick up for me in front of Tarrence? He's just plain crazy!

Why was he at a bar all night? And why is he being so kind now after wha happened at school?

I decide all these answers can wait. I just need some comforting reasurrence right now and i'm only going to get that from Jason just like I felt earlier when I woke up.

Not even caring about the time or that we have school today, I grant his wish just this once and crawl back to bed with him. I dont say anything after his story, I just clinb in beside him with my back to him, enjoying the smell of his room. People say that guys' rooms smell like dirty laundrey and nastyness, but not Jasons. Jasons room smells like him, and all him. And that's delicious. Just his scent alone could turn me on.

I feel him moving beside me and am wondering what he's doing but I just stay still, too nervous to move. Too nervouse until he wraps his arm around my waist an gently pulls me towards him with a small thump coming from my back hitting against his chest. He turns my whole body around to face him and he starts leaning down. My heartrate speeds up, thinking that he is going to kiss me again, but he doesnt. I find myself slightly dissapointed and just wanting to reach my head up and kiss him until were both out of breath. He instead goes to my ear and nibbles on the lobe. An involuntary moan comes out and I feel him stiffen and stop. Once again i'm pouting from the lost contact and he whispers in my ear, "Later. I just want to hold you for now..." A shiver goes down my spine at his words, and it shocks me that they have that much of an affect on me. He then procedes to kiss the softs spot on my neck, which causes me to buck my hips a little. He already knows where my spot is. God, i'm pretty sure he did that just to show me how much control he has.

But he stops there and leans back. He looks into my eyes fro a few sends before he leans down and kisses my nose. He draws back and makes me lean my head back onto his chest while entwining our legs together. I guess he needs this just as much as I do.

I slide my arm around his toned torso and am drifting off back to sleep when I hear him say one last thing.

"Remember me. Please remember me."


 Hi guys!!! So what do you think he meant by remember me???!!! Ermagerd the suspense is killing me even I have to find out. Its not all planned out yet haha so sorry!!! Anyways special dedication to my new friend @therianalfabride and thank you again :) First smile thats been on my face in a long time was put there by you!!!

Listen to comatose guys!!! its amazing in every way, shape, and form. i absolutely love it!!!

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns and my rainbow baby pegasus!!!


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