(Chapter Twenty-Four)

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So guuys... not really sure what to say right now... sooo... im eating pizza. i kinda feel like a normal teenager today... I watched titanic with my stepbrother and since he was in the room it prevented me from crying this time lol noooooo so saaddddd. I got a question. If I was to make another book what would you guys want it to be about???

Song for this chapter is Hate Her to Death by Insane Clown Posse.

Read on...


Jasons POV:

Do you ever wonder what it's like to die? Most people kill themselves because they want to see if people would actually miss them... But how would they find out when they're dead?

I've thought of taking my life before, many times actually... Then I realized, what's the point? It's not benefitting other people, and that's all I really want to do in life. I want to make others happy. I don't care about me. I care about others, that's my job as alpha. Which is why it hurts so much to be lying to Aubrey about this. This is huge and I can't keep it from her forever...

Suddnly she starts to stir by my side and I get really nervous for some reason. I've seen her wake up many times, as creepy as that sounds, but I have. I find it unbearable to stay away from her. She's like a drug, even when I tell myself to stop it I find myself coming back for more. I just can't stand being away from her anymore. But i'm so stupid. I have to stay away from her if I want to keep her safe, last night being the only exception. She needed me, and I wasn't going to deny her something she needed. Especially if I was involved in it...

She mumbles my name while in her 'in and out of sleep' stage and I feel by body temperature skyrocket at the sound of my name rolling out of her cute, little mouth. I should probably move before I do something I will regret later. Were in a position that would get anybodies blood boiling in the best ways. Her fragile body is practically all on top of mine and all curled up so she's only about the size of my torso and I start to feel very protective right in this second. If she's only that small how in the hell is she going to take care of herself. Now that I notice how small she is i probably won't ever let her out of my sight... God, im pretty fucked up, I just need to leave her alone, but I can't. I can finally feel her and I don't want the sparks to leave.

Her arms are on either side of me and she rolls onto me completely, but I can barely feel it since she's so small.

Then... Oh god, no... Leg... Move... Now... Shit! Why did she have to move?! I feel sparks shooting all over my body but they don't hurt. No, They're full of pleasure. When she moved, she started to practically straddle me, and now her inner thigh is pressing up against my cock...

"Shit!" I hiss out but immediately regret saying anything as soon as she rolls over quickly and stands up.

"What, what's wrong, what happened?" She says with a panicked look on her face. Eyes wide and mouth slightly parted showing her shock.

My breathing is still shallow but i'm starting to come down from my high.

"Nothing baby girl, come back over here." I say with my arms open wide for her. She slowly starts to creep back over but she stops dead in her tracks and her jaw drops to the floor.

"I-I ummm... Yo-your..." She doesn't finish her sentence and just points towards my pants. Well, shit. Way to go you horndog... I silently scold my wolf. He scared her...

But then her scent smacks me in the face, and my god is she aroused. I can smell it coming off of her in waves and I can't help but approve of the feeling of want that she's displaying. She's slightly panting, but you can tell she is forcing to keep it steady. I drop my arms thinking that she's going to hate me even more for doing this to her.

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