(Chapter Eighteen)

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So happy about all the reviews and trust me it was so hard deciding what to do. But after much consideration I decided which one would be more out of the ordinary and which would involve more action in it. It may seem a little cliche at first but trust me it changes up later on and there's plenty of emotions...

Read on...


Jason's POV:

I hear my mother whimpering downstairs and I immediately run to her aid.

"Mom... What's wrong???!!!" I swear whoever did this is going to pay...

"Nothing sweetheart. I'm fine... Aubrey is just having troubles... Adjusting." She says quietly between sobs. My stance softens immediately at the meantion of her name. But what did Aubrey do??? She's an angel which makes me wonder why in the hell my mother is crying

because of her.

"What did she do mom???" My mom may be extremely over exaggerating again like she does with everything...

"She just... Didn't like her clothes..." Really??? All this fuss over clothes??? I give her a 'what the actual fuck' look and she explains further. "I just really want her to like it here but apparently she think I want her to be... Be... a Whore. She thought that that's the kind of daughter I wanted because of what clothes I gave her... I thought it was just what teens were wearing these days!!! I feel awful... She just ran out and she has no clue where she's going. Can u please go talk to her??? For me???" She looked up at me with pleading eyes that she knows will win me over.

I mumble an incoherent response and grab my key to go finds my little mate. I get to the garage and wonder which car she will like the best. I decide on the dark blue Camaro and speed out of there hoping that she's not too cold or that nothing bad happened to her.

My wolf is automatically pulling me towards her and I can tell that she's close so I have no trouble finding her. God her scent really is deliciously overwhelming...

I pull up beside her and slow down the car so I'm driving at her pace and I roll down the window. She has a scowl on her face like she expected me to follow her but she didn't want me to.

"What do you want???"

"Need a ride to school???" God why did I ask that!!! I promised distance but I can't help myself... She wants me so bad and I'm not allowed to help her fulfil her needs as much as I want to...

She's just standing there staring at me. And honestly, its very unnerving. Kinda scary because i never know what to expect from her. I just hope she says yes though.

Surprisingly she doesn't say anything but instead just walks to the car and gets in the back seat on the drivers side. Why did she do that???

"You know I can move my backpack and you can sit in the front right??? Why are you sitting back there???" I feel like I'm supposed to know because she's staring daggers at me...

"I'm sitting back here... So you won't touch me, Jason." So I won't touch her??? Does she not trust my word that I would stay away from her???!!! She needs to trust me, I know... But I guess she's right. I only have this morning, right now, to talk to her. To see her. To touch her... And in her mind, I can feel she wants it to.

What I'm about to do is so stupid but my body acts before my mind. While she's putting her backpack down in the back I step out of the car and walk to the back door. She sees me and locks the door fast but that can't stop me. I unlock it with the key and pick her up out of the car.

She squeals. "Jason!!! Put me down. Get off!!!" I won't though. No matter what.

"I'm your mate. I'll touch you if I want to fucking touch you. And you will let me!!! Got it???" I shouldn't have yelled at her but she needs to learn to accept me. Whether she wants to or not. My voice softens a little, "I won't ever let you go..." That has so much more meaning behind it. If only she understood. In time, she will understand in time.

I walk around to the other side of the car and set her in the passenger seat and lean over to buckle her in. I hear her gasp and then I realize why. While pulling out the belt my hand brushed across her breast. All my senses stood on end and I felt a little... Twitch... Down... There...

She looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes. "I can do that on my own you know." She whispers a little horsely.

I lean in close to her ear and whisper back, "Yea, well so can I..." I tease her again by brushing her again when I pull the belt across her body. I feel her nipples harden under my hand and can barely contain myself from attacking her body. It's so fucking sexy.

I lean in close and am about to kiss her. Only a couple inches away. "Back up Jason." Her voice doesn't hold much conviction and she's definitely not putting up a fight.

"Never." I whisper then crash my lips to hers. God I've been waiting for this moment again. She tastes just exquisite. Just like I remember... But she's not kissing me back. She seemed a little surprised at first but thank god after a few seconds she grabs the front of my shirt in her fist and pulls me towards her and kisses me back. The kiss is needy, like she's been starved from something for the longest time. That something would be me...

She moans a little and the sound makes my pants tighten. I press up against her and I can tell she feels me because she starts panting and she moans again. I can't help myself anymore, I have to touch her.

I nudge her shirt up a little and place my hands on her hips. Her skins so soft and I squeeze a little and hear her breath hitch in her throat. She tries to get closer to me but the belt holds her back.

Then suddenly she pulls away. "Get off of me." There's a hint of something in her voice but I can't quite place it. So I just go to her neck and start sucking on it. Going around to everywhere except for her sweet spot. She's still struggling under me behind the belt and I can't find out why. So I pull back.

"Aubrey? Aubrey what's wrong baby girl???!!!" Her eyes are shut and it looks like she's crying. I start to shake her. "Aubrey open your eyes!!!"

"Don't touch me!!!" She screams then opens her eyes. There's a panicked look on her face that instantly softens when she sees me. "Jason..." She chokes out then starts sobbing. I unbuckle her and pull her out of the car and sit down with her on my lap while she just cries. I don't know why she's crying or what provoked it, I just want her to be safe. And with me, I know she's always safe.

I would've felt If she had gotten hurt. So I don't know what's wrong... All I can do for her is just hold her until she's better.

She nuzzles her head into my neck until she stops and for about three minutes I whisper sweet nothing's into her ear.

She stands up all of a sudden and walks to the car. She gets inside and gets buckled and just stares out the windshield.


Sorry it was so late I haven't had Internet all spring break. I went to Florida and the wifi didn't work on my iPad. I was going to add the school scene to this chapter but it would have been way too long. Why she was crying will be revealed way later in the book. Anybody have ideas as to why she was crying??? I'd love to hear what you guys think!!!

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns!!!


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