(Chapter Twenty-One)

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OK really happy about the results on the last chapter... I'm not really in a good mood so I'll just get to it...

Read on...


Aubrey's POV:

He asked for this... its his fault, right?

Even with this thought in my head I can't help but feel guilty. Tarrence comes up around me and wraps his arms around my waist. It burns a little but its bearable. He doesn't know that Jason is my mate. I don't think anyone does but maybe his mother. I assume all of the people think that things that happened at the ceremony were just because someone didn't do something right.

Tarrence places a trail of kisses up and down my neck, yet I feel nothing. Nor would I ever feel anything for any other male besides Jason. He is my mate weather I like it or not. I gave him his chance to deem himself worthy. I gave him his chance to gain my trust but he threw it all away. Why? I don't know but I have a strong feeling that its not just because he's an arrogant, two faced asshole. At least I don't want to believe he is...

If there any other reason then why wouldn't he tell me? I should have the right to know, I'm his mate for crying out loud! But I guess if he won't ever trust me then there won't be anything between us that would say were mates. Because mates are supposed to trust each other... So why not just reject him now before I get hurt even more? Why not end the pain he puts me through and find someone who actually wants me? Like Tarrence... I can learn to love him over time, right?

"Tarrence, I have to go somewhere. I'll be back... Sometime." I say as I start to freak out in his embrace. How am I ever supposed to get someone who loves me if I can't even handle being touched... I'm just fucked up on so many levels I wouldn't be surprised if no one wanted me.

*Jason wants us though.* I hear a slight whimper in my head.

'Are you blind? Did you not see him today, how he acted towards us? If that said anything along the lines of,"Hey I love you and want you", then please... Explain.'

I turn to walk away from Tarrence and hear my wolf mumble so etching that sounded like 'well if you weren't so bitchy to him he would tell...' Then I didn't catch the rest because Tarrence suddenly had my wrist in an iron tight grip, which reminded me of a day to unbearable to think of. But as it comes back into my head I can't help but recall every single detail.


Tears are streaming down my face now as I try to fend off my unstable father. He was clearly drinking earlier, you can practically smell the stench of alcohol on him from 100 feet away.

He's banging on my door and what he's about to do doesn't even surprise me in the least considering how he's been lately. I've learned to just suck it up and take it. He's not getting better, but he certainly is getting worse. Just a couple more years and then I'll be gone forever from this wretched place. At least that's what I think. If I even make it through these next couple of years... Te beatings have gotten worse. So bad that almost everything in me has been fractured at some point in time.

My dad has been banging on the door for the past 2 or so minutes and by now there's a huge crack down the middle. He's losing his patience and pretty soon he is for sure going to come barging right through that door. So there's really no hope in thinking that I can finally get away.

If I was smart I wouldn't have locked that door. I would have left it wide open and let him do what he wanted with me because that's what a smart person would've done. The beating wouldn't have been as bad. But now? He's pissed that I shut him out... And he wants in. What for, I'd rather not find out but I know that's not an option. What he wants, he gets. That's the way it's been and that's the way it will always be.

He finally breaks in and the look on his face is pure, raw rage.

"You wouldn't happen to have been hiding from me now, dear? Because you know those consequences are severe... Fucking get up, bitch!"

I slowly stand up off of my bed and tiptoe myself forward. Gaining the courage, I look up into his eyes and they soften slightly.

"There you are, sweetheart. You always feel better with me around honey, right?" I just go along with it like I have to every time. If he doesn't know the difference between my mother and I even after her death then there's no point in trying to convince him. So I just slightly nod my head. He gets an agitated look on his face and smacks my cheek rather roughly."Use your words, bitch!" He says then smacks me a little harder.

"Yes, sir." I advert my eyes down to show respect. Though he doesn't deserve it I know the consequences if I don't do it. And I just don't have a good feeling about everything today. Something awful is going to happen, but what?

"I like it when you call me sir, baby girl. It's a turn on." He slurs out then swiftly puts his hands around my waist and pulls me to him.

I'm scared to death right now, he's never done this before. How far is he going with this? I wonder right before he dips his head down to my neck and it finally hits me as to what he's getting at. And it's not something I am willing to stick around for. I struggle out of his grip and bolt for the door, hearing loud growling behind me.

At the last second, right before I hit the first step on the stairs, he grabs my writs and drags me back to the room with me practically kicking and screaming.

"Stay with me, baby girl. You're supposed to love me." He says as he straps me down to the bed. He ties my wrists together and straps them to the bedposts above my head while he's sitting on my legs. He then proceeds to spread my legs until they reach the bottom two corner posts and ties those up. I'm struggling against all the bonds and the fact that he tied a piece of cloth around my mouth does not help my plan to call for help.

By now tears are streaming hard and fast down my face. Out of control... Just like my father...

What can he do now that can possibly be worse than this? Oh wait, I spoke too soon...

~End of Flashback~


Wow I kind of didn't like this chapter at ALL. I thought it was terrible, just terrible. It's just a filler chapter showing some background. There's a lot more flashbacks and explanations to be made later in the story so calm yo tits. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice, it was very helpful :) oooohhhh and I've made it to 100,000 readers!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love you guys!!!

Who does everyone ship??? Aubrence ~Aubrey and Tarrence~ or Jasey~Jason and Aubrey~ I think Jasey is a cute name hehe...

Anyways you guys know what to do.

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns!!! You too rainbow baby Pegasus ;) you know who you are. I dedicated this chapter to you!!!


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