(Chapter Two)

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I sit in class waiting for the late bell to ring. Being a wolf, all of my senses are enhanced. So I can smell my best friend walking up to my desk. Creepy right? Knowing what my friend smells like. Its so weird.

You're probably wondering how a wolf was put up for adoption if they have a whole other pack to take care of them. Well my father was the pack alpha and when my mom died he was torn. He couldn't handle me.

But now even if I was put into a different pack I wouldn't be alpha. I would have alpha blood still in me, but not be an alpha. I still haven't felt any power with having alpha blood yet. I haven't felt high and powerful and controlling. I don't think I will ever be able to seriously stand up for myself.

Which is why I need to find my mate. To protect me. My birthday is in two days . The day I turn 16 is the day I am able to find my mate. I'm not sure how to find my him though. No one ever told me what I would feel or whatever else. I just hope I do find my mate. Most of the wolf population never finds them and I see what can happen with that. Its like they're suffering. I don't ever want to feel that but I just hope my mate is someone sensible. That will actually care for me and is someone that I love.

I look up at Sarah, my best friend. She looks down at me. Her eyes sparkling with excitement. She's also a wolf and is well aware my birthday is coming up and I will be able to find a mate. Oh god, she's in one of her talking moods.

"How are you not excited!!!???!!!" She exclaims.

I just grunt at her and mumble that its no big deal. She looks at me like I'm crazy. Which I don't blame her for because it really is a big deal. I just don't feel like talking right now. I'm to busy still thinking about this mornings encounter with the bad boy.

"Can you please be excited for once in your life. Please!!! This is a huge deal!!!" She's screaming/whispering so no one finds out what we are. They would freak.

"Yeah, I'm not to fond of finding love at the moment." I lied easily.

"Pssh yea right. We both know that's a lie hun. Every one is crazy about finding their mates." Okay I can't get anything past this chick.

"Okay fine. I can't wait but what if its some lunatic. Or worse what if I can't even find my mate!!! I would be crushed Sarah."

"Hun, don't be so negative. You will find your mate. Trust me."

"But I've moved so much from my home in the past years. What if he lives in any of the places I used to live???" I've lived in so many other places so it is a good chance that he would be in one of those places. Or the very first place I lived. When I was with my dad.

"I'm sure if you don't find your mate within the first week of turning 16, Alpha Carson will let you go back and try to find him in those places. Don't stress out hun. You will get frown lines and wrinkles. That's never pretty." Well thanks a lot Sarah. Love you to. But she does have a point.

"Okay Sarah. Thanks I guess" I mumbled.

"No problem, hun. Any time." She saluted me then walked off to her desk. Crazy chick.


At lunch I find my seat by Sarah. No one else ever sits at that table so we basically claimed it. But most of the time I regret sitting here because the gorgeous hunk of a man sits at the one right across from ours so I'm forced to face him and his crew.

I look over at Sarah and she's got a smirk on her face."What!" I hiss at her.

"Sorry to tell ya hun, but you're staring again." She says motioning to their table. Why does this happen everyday!!! I can't help but stare. They are smexy beasts what can I say. Literally beasts. Cause according to Sarah all of them are wolves. And Jason is the alphas son. Greaaaat. Note sarcasm.

"Whatever. Sorry. I just can't see how someone so disrespectful can be an alphas son. Someone so stupid and self conceded and ignorant and is an ego maniac. God I hate him." My voice was getting louder and louder with every word I said.

Then what happened next shocked me. Jason stood up and was walking over this way. Right towards our table. WTF was he doing.

He came right over and plopped himself down right next to me. The fuck was he doing.

"You know with the enhanced hearing us wolves have, I could hear every single word you said." Oh shit... "Never thought you could be so cruel baby girl." I growled at him and he just smirked. That bastard.

"I know you probably heard me. But what was the point of coming over here?" I say through gritted teeth.

"To get on your nerves. Something I'm good at. Its not all that hard. I bet anyone could just by saying one word." He has a mischievous look in his eyes. What the hell is he talking about.

"What are you talking about? One word won't make me mad dipshit."

"Oh but yes it would baby girl. Then everyone would know your secret and you will just be reminded of how no one loves you." I swear just by him saying this I'm about to go off.

'Well its true. Only your mate would love someone like you'

I hate the voice in my head. Always trying to make me mad or sad. But its only stating the facts and I know it.

"What word?" God why did I ask that. He probably thinks I actually care now. Which I do but he doesn't need to know that. He will just make fun of me and make my life even more a living hell.

He comes closer to me. Still with a smirk. He whispers in my ear,"Orphan. An unloved nothing of a person. That's what you are. An orphan." My eyes went wide and my hands were clammy. I hated it when anybody called me that. But this time it doesn't make me angry or wanting to rip someone's head off. When Jason said it, I'm not sure if it was just the way he said it, it made me feel sad. Sad and empty and truly unloved. I could feel a single tear roll down my face. I wasn't breaking down but I was still silently crying.

"What the fuck did you say to her!!!" I heard Sarah scream at Jason. Everyone in the entire cafeteria looked over in our direction at Sarah's sudden outburst.

"Just stated what she really is. An unloved orphan." He says smugly. Then with these words more tears came and I was sobbing.

"Sarah, can you please just take me home. Right now please." I said almost choking on my words.

"What home???!!! You live in an orphanage!!! You don't have a home because nobody loves you!!!" I cringe at the words that just came out of Jason's mouth. My secret is officially revealed. And now I'm dying on the inside.

Sarah was about to start yelling again, I could tell. I didn't think shed be able to keep her wolf in. I was just hoping that she would calm down just a bit. We can't be exposed just because of this silly little mess. She looks like she is about to rip Jason's head off. So I tap her foot with mine and motion to the door. She takes the hint that we should just leave.

I'm so surprised she had this outburst. She's usually all quiet and contained.

"Sure, hun. Whatever you want." She got out of her chair and helped me up. I looked over to Jason who looked expressionless. Just standing there looking like he was in lala land. I can't believe him. The only person who purposefully makes my life a living hell and enjoys it. Not to mention he is the alphas son. How disrespectful. Making the Luna and Alpha of his pack look bad with his behavior.

On our way out the cafeteria doors, Sarah turns around. "Hey asshole!!!" She calls out. Most likely to Jason. He turns around and Sarah makes sure he sees her, then flips him off. She then turns around, grabs my hand and stalks out of the cafeteria into the parking lot practically dragging me behind her.

"Where to, hun???" She asks me. There's nowhere for me to go. Nowhere for me to get comfort. If it were me driving I would just run right off the road and into the lake. Just praying I would finally end all this. Everyone's life is better without me in it.

"Orphanage" I whisper so quiet I can barely hear myself. But apparently Sarah heard me because she started the car and drove off.



-Tori <3 <3 <3

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