(Chapter Twenty-Nine)

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OK SO I DIDNT REALLY GET THAT MANY COMPLAINTS ON THE AUTHORS NOTE. IM NOT SURE IF I SHOULD SEE THAT AS A GOOD OR BAD THING. ANYWAYYSSS... a new cover will be up soon. Thank you bunches to everyone who made covers i will try to go through them all and use them all then use my favorite for the official cover. I'll tell u guys when that will be.

My stepdad just came in here and said I was a horrible daughter. Wtf. I ain't even ur daughter so shut the fuck up. He gets on my nerves sometimes I swear. I find myself laughing though cuz it was really random. XD

Song for this chapter is Hot by Avril Lavigne ;) that's a good song hahaha just imagine a guy singing it though. That guy being Jason :D

Read on...


Aubrey's POV:

~Continue Flashback~

"No! Stop! What are you doing, get away from me!" I try to push his prying hands away from me but it's no use. He's too strong for me to fight. Not to mention I'm tied to the bed, only able to slightly squirm, with him sitting between my legs, snaking his hands higher and higher every second.

"Don't you remember, baby girl? We always used to do this, and from what I recall you used to love every second of it. But now that we're both dead I get to play my way." He says with a dangerous grin on his face, it disgusts me to no end.

Wait, did he say we were both dead? What the hell! We are clearly alive and breathing, well, me not as much as him. What did he mean play his way? God, I'm so confused, and scared, what the hell is he doing?! I squeeze my eyes shut just wanting to disappear from this moment in time. I want to go back to when I was younger, when mom was still alive.

"Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you!" He screams into my ear and slaps me across the face again. His face softens, "I wouldn't be this cruel if you just did what I asked, baby girl. I don't like hurting you, I really don't. You just make it so hard for me not to sometimes." He leans down and tries to kiss me on the mouth but I turn my head away and he instead catches my cheek with his mouth.

He sits up and looks furious. I guess that was the wrong move Aubrey... Way to go smart girl, I silently scold myself.

My father proceeds to pull a knife out of his back pocket, pointing it under my chin, "Do that again." He whispers fiercely. I gulp heavily and feel it against the tip of the blade. He leans down again and I have no choice but to abide. He catches my mouth with his and let's out a low grunt, how disgusting. I literally feel like puking. I've tried telling myself that he was a sick sick man who just needed some support but this is too much. This is too far. No father should do this to their daughter, especially the Alpha.

Being the Alpha's daughter I'm stronger than most wolves, but when it comes to the silver handcuffs around my wrist and ankles, I'm no match for them.

I don't kiss him back, that is until he squeezes my sides, digging his nails into my skin forcing me to. His roaming hands go up to my shirt, ripping it down the middle and throwing it to the side. I'm too stunned to move anymore. Already too worn out to keep kissing him. So instead I buy some time and ask him a question.

"What did you mean by playing your way?" I whisper out hoarsely. He stops what he's doing and looks down at me with a murderous look on his face and pulls his knife up for me to see.

"Exactly what I said, baby girl. But don't worry it's quite fun." He pauses. "Well for me at least. Just be a good girl and do as I say. As long as you do what I say, my way will be fun for both of us." He concludes and wraps his hands around my thighs.

He leans down and trails kisses up the inside of my thigh until it starts to get uncomfortable for me. Out of instinct my knee twitches up and hits him right in the nose and it immediately starts to bleed. Oh shit...

His head bolts up. "You bitch!" He screams before he swiftly pulls the knife across my upper thigh, creating a deep gash that has blood quickly oozing out of it.

Then it's like I separated from my own body. I could see myself and my 'father' and it was not a pretty sight. He looked content with himself and what he just did while I let out heart wrenching screams.

~End of Flashback~

I wake up in a cold sweat and immediately start to sob. If I had learned anything from all my experiences with men, it's that you can never trust them. All of them are kniving bastards that won't think twice about hurting you.

My mom always said, before she died, the only person you can ever fully trust is your mate. But with me, that's not the case. The two men that a girl is supposed to trust most in the world is her father and her mate. My father and my mate were the two people who hurt me most in life. Pretty screwed up, huh?

I check the time and see that I woke up just minutes before my alarm went off so I decide to get up and get ready for today. My dream didn't really put me in the mood for payback, but it's now or never so I might as well do this.

I go to the wardrobe and pick out the outfit that Mrs.Taylor had laid out for me the other day.

Once I see myself in it I gasp and my self confidence shoots through the roof. I look hot! Wow!

I quit gawking at myself to go put my makeup and shoes on and curl my hair. I apply dark eyeliner with cherry red lip gloss. I put on 4" diamond studded black heels and go gather up my school things. I don't risk a glance back at the mirror in fear of not being able to look away. I've never thought I looked good until I wore that dress for the ceremony. I guess getting Mrs.Taylors help was actually quite a good thing for me.

I head out of the room right as Jason was coming out of his. His eyes were all red and puffy, like he had been crying recently. Our eyes meet and he rakes his down my body, taking in my new appearance.

His face looks flustered and his eyes fill with lust. But they quickly change to something along the lines of jealousy and anger.

"Do you need a jacket?" He grits out and I just bust out laughing. Oh my gosh it's only been a minute and he already has a problem with the outfit. His face contorts in confusion at my sudden outburst but I can't stop. He slightly growls and my laughing nearly ceases but I turn to leave and my chuckling continues as I roam down the stairs to breakfast.


Hahaha succkkeerrrrrr!!! Jason's in for one hell of a day don't ya think? So happy Memorial Day everyone and enjoy this update. I love you guys!!! This chapter is dedicated to puppylover444 because her comments made me smile a bit much :) new cover up with this chapter. This one was made by 0LizzyBrown0 so thank you very much!!!

Vote/Comment/And be happy my baby unicorns, my baby rainbow Pegasus, and my poneycorn!!!


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