Line of Fire

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Shadow Company hadn't arrived yet to help out TF 141 and the Vaqueros, but (y/n) wasn't complaining. She had gotten the opportunity to fly her plane, and that's all that mattered to her.

"Zulu S-10 to Ghost. I've eyes on Hassan. Small compound 3 clicks from you." With precision, (y/n) expertly maneuvered her plane in a tight circle, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Roger, on our way." Ghost's voice reverberated through the comms, its deep timbre sending a shiver down (y/n)'s spine. There was an undeniable allure to Ghost, an attractiveness he knew well. Observing him in action only intensified (y/n)'s fascination with him. She scolded herself, knowing that her focus should be on the mission, not the soldier. Yet, she couldn't shake the memory of their encounter in the gym, the fleeting connection that left an impression on her. His intense gaze, the way he effortlessly blended into the shadows, drew her in. There was something about Ghost, something she desired to unravel.(y/n) chided herself for her distraction, reminding herself that Ghost no didn't share her feelings. She needed to stay focused on the mission, on finding Hassan. She continued to circle in the sky until she caught sight of a laser beam in her peripheral vision, indicating the marked position of Soap, Ghost, and Alejandro.

"We could use some help, Hermana." Alejandro's voice carried strain and urgency.

"Roger, stay clear. Coming in hot." (y/n) swiftly responded to Alejandro's stressed voice. With unwavering focus, she adjusted her plane's trajectory and lined up the target in her sights. Time seemed to stand still as she decided to unleash an airstrike on the enemy compound. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she released the payload, watching it plummet toward the designated area with precision.

Explosions erupted as the bombs made contact, engulfing the compound in a chaotic inferno. The impact reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves of destruction in every direction. The ground shook, and the deafening roar of the explosion drowned out all other sounds. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring the view of the once-standing stronghold.

Through the haze, (y/n) saw the devastation she had unleashed. Half of the compound now lay in ruins. The satisfaction of a successful strike mingled with the gravity of the situation.

With a sense of accomplishment, (y/n) banked her plane and prepared to regroup with Alejandro, Soap, and Ghost

"Good hit!" Soap whistled.

"Hassan is holed up in the building at the back of the compound," (y/n) relayed. She maintained her position above. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, giving them the go-ahead to proceed,

"I'll be here if you need me,"

"Copy, moving in." Ghost's voice echoed through the comms.They swiftly neutralized the remaining cartel members, clearing a path to the building where Hassan was hiding.

Minutes later, the trio emerged from the building, their figures silhouetted against the backdrop of the compound. Ghost's grip on Hassan firmly ensured that he would not escape.

(y/n) watched from above, her eyes locked on the scene unfolding beneath her. She felt relief as she witnessed her teammates emerge with Hassan in their custody.

"Wrap him up and wait for extraction." Ghost nodded at the men beside him.

"Zulu S-10 to Price. We got him." (y/n) smiled.

"Copy. Extraction inbound." Price responded.

As (y/n)'s comms crackled, indicating a switch in channels, she instinctively scanned her surroundings, searching for any signs of activity. Her eyes darted from one point to another until they settled on a sight that made her heart skip a beat—the unmistakable presence of Shadow Company. With a calculated maneuver, (y/n) deftly banked her aircraft, angling herself to get behind the members of Shadow Company. Every fiber of her being urged her forward, urging her to confront the shadows.

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