Crossing Boundaries

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"I'm listening," (y/n) stated with an edge in her voice, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. Shepherd's persistence baffled her; he knew the extent of her capabilities, the destruction she could unleash.

"Atta girl," Graves's voice dripped with calculated praise. He played his cards, testing the waters of her resistance. He was well aware that (y/n) was not one to quickly back down from her responsibilities; she was bound by duty.

"Out with it, Phillip," (y/n) snapped, her patience thinning like a thread stretched too far.

"Patience, babe," Graves replied condescendingly, his tone a calculated mix of superiority and manipulation. "That attitude won't get you far. But when you return from your little vacation with your brother, we have a mission for you."

A sigh escaped (y/n) 's lips, a mixture of exasperation and resignation. The prospect of a covert assignment separate from the team didn't sit well with her, knowing it would only add to the doubt hanging over her reputation.

"What is it?" (y/n) asked in a hushed tone, instinctively aware of the need for discretion.

"You'll be infiltrating the cartel, extracting information about Hassan, and negotiating with them," Graves divulged, his words carrying a weight of significance. "The rest of the team will be present to allay any suspicions. And remember, this stays between us. Nobody else needs to know."

"Why?" (y/n) pressed, the tinge of frustration coloring her voice. Drawing attention outside the carefully laid plan could have been more appealing.

"It's an order. You know I don't make the rules," Graves retorted with a chilling nonchalance. "Oh, and by the way, I'd suggest you cooperate. I'd hate for your new lover boy to find out about the real you."

The words hung in the air for a moment before the call ended, leaving (y/n) grappling with a storm of conflicting emotions. The urgency of regaining her equilibrium was paramount. She needed to reassert her focus on the mission and ensure her façade remained intact. Anxiety gripped her chest as she settled back into her seat, cursing any potential oversight that could expose her past.

She straightened her posture, the weight of her past momentarily set aside. As she stepped off the plane, the ground beneath her boots felt solid and grounding. Her eyes sought out her brother among the waiting figures, and a sense of relief and determination washed over her.

"Finally!" Alex's voice carried a blend of exuberance and mock impatience, his warm smile inviting a long-anticipated embrace as he opened his arms wide for his sister. (Y/n) responded with an involuntary smile of her own, a rush of familiarity and solace embracing her as she stepped into his hug.

"Doubting me now?" (y/n) playfully teased, her voice softening as she returned the hug with equal warmth. The embrace spoke volumes, a testament to the unbreakable bond that held them together despite adversity. As they pulled back, her eyes met Alex's, a silent conversation passing between them.

"Like I would ever do that," Alex retorted, his grin unwavering. Their gazes held, a mixture of emotions exchanged in that fleeting moment. (Y/n)' s heart swelled with a blend of affection and relief. Her brother was here, standing beside her, a pillar of strength she could always rely on.

"Wouldn't miss this for the world," (y/n) confessed, her words tinged with love, and a subtle exhale of tension. Stepping back slightly, she took a moment to study Alex's features, noting the subtle changes that time had etched.

Alex's grin softened, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "You and me both," he replied, a shared sentiment that resonated between them.

"We'll give you two some space," Farah's voice cut through the air, her words laced with understanding. The group intuitively nodded in agreement, leaving Alex and (y/n) to their reunion. The airfield's bustling energy faded into the background as they moved towards a nearby tent, seeking solace and seclusion.

As they walked, (y/n) moved with practiced efficiency, swiftly disassembling her phone into pieces and crushing them in her grip. She was determined to erase any remnants of her recent conversation with Graves, leaving no trail for prying eyes to follow.

Amidst the tension that surrounded them, (y/n) managed a slight but genuine smile, her eyes reflecting a blend of emotions at the sight of her brother.

"It's nice to see you, despite the circumstances," she confessed softly, her voice carrying the weight of relief and concern.

Alex's nod held a deep, shared sentiment, his smile mirroring hers.

"You too, little sis," his words were gentle, laced with his unspoken admiration for her. His eyes wandered over her, silently acknowledging the growth she had undergone, both physically and mentally. "You've grown, battle scars and all," he remarked, his tone full of pride.

His gaze involuntarily shifted to the scar where her eye had once been, a visible reminder of her trials. Alex had heard the stories, the whispers circulating about (y/n) 's disappearance and her subsequent reappearance with an eye missing. The details were a mystery to him, a puzzle he had long wished to solve, but his respect for his sister's privacy held him back. Despite his curiosity, he had refrained from ever directly questioning her.

He had caught wind of rumors, some suggesting that Task Force 141 had left her behind in the desert, while others painted a more ominous picture of betrayal. Yet, he had never pressed her for the truth. He understood that whatever had transpired was deeply personal, something she needed to keep hidden until it was safe to resurface. Or, in her words, 'until the world forgets (y/n) and Specter.' Alex had grasped early on that it was his role to support her in her chosen path, not to dig into wounds that might still be healing.

(y/n) remained transfixed by her inner contemplations, her gaze unfocused as if traversing the labyrinth of her thoughts and emotions. Alex posed a question, seeking to alleviate the heaviness that hung in the air.

"How's 141?" he inquired, aiming to steer the conversation away from the weighty matters.

"Oh yeah, they're great. Except for Ghost."

Alex's attempt to shift the focus was met with a forced response from (y/n), as she growled at the mention of Ghost's name. The recent encounter with him and the complex web of feelings it had woven was still raw within her. The tension between them was undeniable, a reminder of their powerful connection and the issues between them.

"Yeah, Simon," Alex's tone carried a mix of amusement and skepticism. He raised an eyebrow, his expression prompting (y/n) to continue. The mention of Ghost, combined with (y/n) 's reaction, only fueled the circulated rumors. The idea that Ghost might have been involved in the incident that led to her missing eye was a whisper that had reached even him.

"He's stubborn. Very stubborn. But I know he has my back in the field, and that's what counts," (y/n) remarked, her tone carrying a blend of exasperation and respect. Alex absorbed this insight, his mind cataloging the information about this enigmatic Ghost.

"Interesting. How's Phillip?" Alex probed further, curious about this person who seemed to be a part of (y/n) 's life. He didn't press too hard, aware there were likely layers to the answer.

"Oh, Phillip? Um, yeah, he's okay, I suppose," (y/n) responded cautiously, her words carefully chosen. She was acutely aware that Alex was in the dark about the complex dynamics that had unfolded and intended to keep it that way. The weight of secrecy tugged at her, a painful reminder of her sacrifices to keep her loved ones safe. It pained her to withhold such significant aspects of her life from her brother, but the fewer people who knew, the fewer vulnerabilities there would be. As the gravity of her situation sunk in, (y/n) grappled with the realization that her presence alone was already a risk to those she cared about. The recent proposition by General Shepheard and Graves only heightened the stakes.

"Just sucks you didn't work out," Alex mused, running a hand through his hair. "You guys would've been a great power couple."

"There's more to Phillip than meets the eye. You're seeing him through rose-colored glasses," (y/n) responded, her tone carrying a hint of caution. She shook her head, leaving her brother with cryptic words to ponder as she stepped out of the tent.

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