Race Against Time

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The rain fell steadily, creating a rhythmic pattering sound that blended with the crashing waves. As they approached the oil rig, the combination of the boat's movements and the relentless rain was starting to take a toll on (Y/n). Her stomach churned uncomfortably, a combination of nerves and the motion of the sea.

She stole a glance at Ghost, who stood beside her, his expression concealed by the mask. She wondered if he felt the same unease, but his posture was as steady as ever.

Ghost, noticing (Y/n)'s discomfort, moved closer to her. "Hey, focus on the horizon. It'll help with the seasickness," he advised, his voice calm and reassuring.

(Y/n) followed his advice, fixing her gaze on the distant horizon. She took slow, deliberate breaths, trying to regain her composure. The steady rise and fall of the waves gradually became easier to bear.

They reached the oil rig, and the team swiftly disembarked, each member moving with purpose and precision. The adrenaline surged through (Y/n)'s veins, pushing aside the lingering discomfort. The mission was in full swing, and she couldn't afford to let anything stand in her way.

"Zulu S-10 to team Bravo, I've got eyes on the missile." (y/n) announced through the comms

"Copy that, Specter" came the voice of Price over the comms. "Team Alpha, visual on the missile."

"Copy that, Bravo 0-6," (Y/n) responded, her voice steady and focused. The echo of her old code name sent a shiver down (Y/n)'s spine. It was a relic of a past, hard to distance herself from.

As the team continued their approach, (Y/n) kept her attention locked on the missile. The rain was still falling, creating a tense atmosphere that seemed to hang in the air.

(Y/n) steadied her grip on the weapon, her eyes locked on the target. The rain continued to pour, creating a surreal atmosphere around her. She felt Ghost's presence beside her, a silent pillar of support.

As the seconds ticked by, (Y/n) maintained her focus, scanning the area for any potential threats. The rig seemed eerily quiet, the storm muffling any sounds of activity. (Y/n) couldn't help but notice the ominous sight before her.

The sight of the armed missile sent a jolt of adrenaline through (Y/n). Time was of the essence now. They couldn't afford any missteps. Before (Y/n) could relay the concerning news to the team, Ghost's voice crackled over the comms.

"Bravo 0-6, the missile is armed. I say again, the missile is armed.

"Team, we've got an armed missile. I repeat, the missile is armed. We need to move fast and defuse it before it's too late."

As the team hustled up the stairs to the deck, (Y/n) kept a vigilant eye on the operation. The shadows swiftly unpacked their equipment, working with precision to establish a connection to the missile's launch codes.

"Can we disarm it?" Soap's voice boomed over the commotion.

"No! The launch sequence has already started!" One of the shadows shouted back, the urgency in their tone matching the gravity of the situation. The race against time had begun.

"We can change the destination! Move over!" (Y/n) sprang into action, her movements swift and determined. She pushed the shadows out of the way and seized control of the computer.

"Graves! I need you to find the launch codes and tell me where this missile is headed!" (Y/n)'s voice was urgent as she barked her orders over the comms.

There was a tense pause before Graves' voice crackled through the comm, "Chicago!"

With precision, (Y/n) punched in the code on the keyboard and swiftly reprogrammed the missile's course, diverting it from its lethal path. The team held their breath, their hopes pinned on (Y/n)'s quick thinking and expertise.

"Team Alpha, you need to get clear of the rig, NOW! You've got two minutes!" (Y/n)'s voice rang out through the comms, urgency lacing every word.

"(Y/n), you crazy son of a bitch," Graves breathed.

"She redirected the missile to the rig! We need to get out of here!" Caleb urgently explained.

(y/n) could hear the scrambling of Alpha team as they all rushed down to clear the rig. (y/n) smirked as she stepped away from the computer.

"Team Alpha is clear! Let her rip!" Gaz's voice came through the comms.

The scene unfolded in a way none of them had anticipated. The missile streaked into the sky before veering towards the other oil rig. It plummeted down, resulting in a fiery explosion. (Y/n) gazed in awe.

"Whoa! That was amazing hermana!" Alejandro yelled, laughing.

Ghost watched as (Y/n) slightly nodded her head in satisfaction. He felt himself smiling as he watched her. She seemed so much more relaxed at the moment compared to when she had first arrived.

The team began filing out and making their way to the bottom of the rig to board the boats. There was small chatter amongst the few Vaqueros and Shadows that had joined the operation, everyone seemingly getting along amidst the recent victory. Everything seemed at ease as the boats departed from the oil rig and back to the beach.

The rain had ceased to a light drizzle the closer the team reached the beach. The excitement grew amongst the teams as everyone unloaded from the boats.

From afar, Caleb saw (y/n) and Ghost having a conversation amongst themselves. Caleb sighed, scratching his head before walking to them.

"Lieutenant Riley? Can I speak to you?" Caleb made direct eye contact with Ghost. (Y/n) scanned both men's eyes, Caleb pleading for Ghost to agree while Ghost was uneasy about talking to the Shadow. (y/n) gave Ghost an encouraging nod and patted Caleb's shoulder, before heading off in the direction to speak to Alejandro

"Something bad is about to happen, I don't know what it is, but its something."

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